Bokuto SFW Alphabet

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Bokuto is one of the most snuggliest people on the planet. He's very soft and dating him means that you're gonna get lots of love, hugs, kisses, and really any kind of attention from him. He'll literally force love on you.


Your legs I guess. He loves laying on your lap and always compliments you on how soft and squishy it is.


Hhhhhhh I swear he's so dang soft. He'll cuddle you literally anywhere and anytime. He loves spooning you and/or wrapping you up into a blanket burrito (bby child)


Okay, you should not let him near alchohol. If he gets drunk, you better be ready cause he's gonna turn into a human tornado.

E-Ending (Noooooo bby owl boi)

If he feels something wrong between you two being together, he'll tell you to your face. He's very honest and wants the best for you, even if it means making himself upset.


Once again, Bokuto is very devoted to you and as soon as you hit the legal age, wabam! He's gonna want to settle down with you and propose so you can officially be his forever. 


Despite his chaotic and spastic nature, he's very gentle around you. Lots of tenderness and hugs and kisses and cuddles (I love this boi so much)


He loves when you wear his hoodies. He thinks you look really cute when your drowning in the mass of fabric. You also think that they smell nice, which is a bonus.

I-I Love You

He wanted to tell you pretty much immediately, but he had a bit of a hard time getting it out. It took a long time, but it was worth it in the end.


He surprisingly doesn't get too jealous. I mean, if someone is really hitting on you or making you uncomfortable, he won't hesitate to intervene. Other than that, he's pretty chill.


Bokuto is such a softyyyyyy he gives the best kisses. They're really soft but still passionate at the same time, although sometimes he'll turn it into a sort of competition and get really carried away. He loves it when you kiss his forehead, and he likes kissing your cheeks and forehead. 

L-Little Ones

He gets along great with little kids. You find it very cute how he acts so much like a father figure towards them. (I guess you could say he aces it) (Okay i'll stop now)


He'll cuddle you until you wake up and even after you wake up he'll still hold you close to him and keep you warm.


There's nothing you two love more than to snuggle up on the couch with a big ol bowl of popcorn and binge watch Disney movies and sing every song as loud as humanly possible and then end up laughing super hard. (The chaotic vibes) (#relationshipgoals)


He's not afraid to throw himself out into the open. He'll tell you everything about himself, and I mean EVERYTHING. No holding back with him.


When it comes to you, his patience is practically infinite. Even if you start to get to get a little testy with him, he'll do everything in his power to make you happy again.


Probably less than 50%. Let's face it: he's an idiot (in a good way). He has a hard time remembering what you like exactly. If he gets you something you may not like, he'll just laugh it off and try again. It's the thought that counts.


One time you two were bored so you went and got Taco Bell at 3 in the morning and then went to eat at a park. After you were finished eating you basically went and screwed around on the playground like 5-year-olds.


If you feel insecure in any way, Bokuto's the one who's got your back. He'll protect you with his life if it ever came to it.


Bokuto puts 100% into your dates. Again, even if he take you on a date that you didn't like, he'll keep trying over and over again until he gets it right. He'd do anything to make you happy.


Being a bit too passionate. I mean, passion's not a bad thing, he can just sometimes get carried away.


Honestly, you're perfect to him. He loves you more than anything and he wouldn't change anything about you.


Yes. 100% percent. I don't even have to say anything more.


Oh the occasion that he gets nervous, he stutters. Like, an insane amount. And also lots of voice cracks. His voice gets really REALLY deep.


Low self-esteem. I mean, he'll still date you if you have low self-esteem, but he hates seeing people be so hard on themselves. (Love yourself. You are beautiful and unique 💖💕❤)


I sound like a broken record now, but CUDDLES. He's gonna hold you all night to keep you warm and make you feel safe with him.

 He's gonna hold you all night to keep you warm and make you feel safe with him

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(That's it for this one! I'm still taking requests for this book, so feel free to comment) (Next up is our favorite bedhead boi Kuroo!) (Bye everyone! -Sora~Senpai)

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