Tsukishima SFW Alphabet

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(Hoooooo boy here we go) (Btw the songs I add are kind of like my overall description of the relationships, so please have a listen while you read!)


Despite his blunt and cold demeanor, Tsukki is surprisingly sweet towards you. He pretends he doesn't like the attention you give him, but on the inside he loves it and he's also a complete mess.


He loves your face. Every single dimple, freckle, or mark, he finds it absolutely adorable.


Tsukki doesn't really know how to cuddle. He's never done it in the past, so he is completely clueless as to why people do it and how it works. The only reason he'll cuddle with you is because you practically beg for him to do it. Good luck teaching him how to cuddle HAahahahahaha-


Let's be honest. Tsukki is waaaaay to mature to get drunk. There's no way that'd ever happen. No way. Nuh-uh. Not happening.


The one thing I can think of is possibly because he's too distant. It's not really his fault though. He only acts cold as a sort of defense. He simply doesn't want to get his heart broken.


You two kind of already act like you're an old married couple. Like seriously. You're very infatuated with each other, you spend TONS of time together, and you can tend to get into little arguments every now and then. When he proposes, it's not all that surprising, but you're still very happy regardless.


Well, he can generally be very rough when it comes to other people's emotions, but he does have a tender side. He has good intentions, but he can tend to be a bit tsundere-like. It's kind of his form of defense.


He'll let you wear his T-Shirts, and maybe (if you're lucky) he'll let you wear his glasses even though when you put them on you get kind of dizzy since his prescriptions so strong, plus Tsukki can't see jack shit when you steal his glasses.

I-I Love You

It took a long time for him to admit it, but boy when he did it was an amazing. You were of course very happy, meanwhile Tsukki was a flustered mess. It was a rare moment, so you made sure to enjoy it.


You do not want to lay eyes on his girl, or you're in for a world of pain. He's claimed you and no one, i repeat NO ONE, is going to take you from him.

K-Kisses (*sharp inhaling* BOI-)

While Tsukki isn't much of a PDA person, when you two are alone it's a whole different story. He can abso-freaking-lutely DOMINATE when it comes to kissing. Like, wow. Holy crap. There ain't no way you're ever forgetting anything about your kissing sessions.

L-Little Ones

Uhhh no. Tsukki thinks kids are a nightmare. They're like little Hinatas and Kageyamas, not to mention they always try to take his glasses.


Tsukki is always the first one up. ALWAYS. He'll make some breakfast and then come back and lay in bed with you until you wake up.


Not really anything too special. You two will sometimes lay down and just stare into each other's eyes. He'll occasionally reach forward to move some hair out of your face if it's in the way or give you a quick peck.


It takes him a long time to open up to you. He just wants to make sure you're right for each other before revealing anything too personal.


He never really gets angry at you, just annoyed sometimes. He knows better than to snap at you, although he can make some snarky comments.


He'd get 90-100%. He knows you like the back of his hand. He's a very good listener and always remembers anything he needs to know about you, not to mention he's also very intuitive.


Any moments with him are his favorite. He cherishes the time he spends with you.


Yeah, he can be a bit overprotective at times. You can seriously appreciate the fact that cares about you enough to protect you.


He doesn't really do much about dates. He leaves that to you since he figures you're better at planning that kind of stuff.


The way he treats people. You have to beat him over the head with the fact that he treats people so poorly usually in an attempt to get him to not be so damn SALTY.


He sees you as someone he can trust and depend on if the time comes. He feels like he can truly let down his walls around you because he knows that you're not gonna judge him for being so truly different on the inside than his hard shell of saltiness.


I wouldn't say yes, but he'd definitely be very depressed if you ever left him.


Tsukki has a REALLY good singing voice. One time he was listening to music in his headphones and he started singing while you were quietly watching him and he didn't even notice you were there so you recorded him for 10 minutes straight and then went over and tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a freaking heart attack. He was so embarrassed about it, but he never found out you had recorded it.


Timidness. You have to be able to stand up for yourself, or else Tsukki will most likely think you're weak and coward-like and probably push you around a lot.


Not much of a cuddler, but he will put an arm around you every once in a while to make sure you're safe.

Not much of a cuddler, but he will put an arm around you every once in a while to make sure you're safe

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(Well this one was an interesting one. Next up is our lovely spastic owl boi Bokuto! Stay beautiful! -Sora~Senpai)

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