Oikawa SFW Alphabet

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Being the natural flirt he is he's hella affectionate. Cuddles? Check. Kisses? CHECK. Any other romantic gesture on the face of the planet? Double check. Not to mention his straightforwardness. If he wants attention and affection, he's gonna get it no matter what.


He likes your butt (Get it, cause he doesn't have one? HAahahahahahaha) (okay sorry)


Once again, hella affectionate. Feeling cold? Cuddles. Feeling hot? Cuddles. Sad? Cuddles. Happy? Cuddles. Angry? Cuddles. and lemme say, his cuddles aren't that bad. They're very soft, all things considered.


Let's be honest. Buckle up, cause you're in for a ride if you know what I mean.


You'd breakup because he's too obsessed with volleyball (I'M KIDDING, I'M KIDDING) I really can't think of any reason why you'd break up. Maybe because of his fangirls or something.


Dude. Oikawa surprisingly didn't propose to you in the most cliche way possible. You guys were just hanging out at his house and he just whipped it out and god he was such a mess. He actually started tearing up.


Depends on the context. He's pretty gentle most of the time, but when the time comes, he can be a bit rough.


He'll let you fall asleep on him anywhere and anytime. He thinks you're adorable when you're sleeping and he'll take tons of pictures of you that he sets as his wallpaper on his phone.

I-I Love You

Well, it took more time than you initially thought. He wanted to be truly sincere and honest when he said that he loved you, so he waited until his feelings were truly confirmed.


Honestly, he doesn't get jealous very easily. If someone walks up to you and says "Hey there, lookin pretty sexy" Oikawa will join in and just be like, "I know right?" He also knows the feeling of people oogling over you.

K-Kisses (Ah yes. Romantically touching faces)

Well, Oikawa is known to be very, VERY flirty, so naturally your kisses can evolve into very passionate kissing. The whole freaking shabang.

L-Little ones

I mean, he is good with kids, but h's not exactly the best influence on them. (No offense, i'm not trying to sound rude)


Usually your mornings consist of Oikawa attempting to help you get ready for your morning routine (making breakfast, getting stuff ready for your showers, etc)


It's either eating chicken nuggets form McDonald's at 3am and dancing around in a parking lot like crackheads, or the other thing which we won't talk about. *AHEM*


Well, you at least thought he opened up fairly fast, but the closer you got he started to open up about lots of other deep and personal things which you didn't even expect.


Pretty good honestly. Sure he may get fed up a little bit every once in a while, but he's pretty chill most of the time.


9/10. He knows you inside and out. He knows the food you like, your favorite flowers, how you like your coffee, etc.


His favorite memory is when he first saw you when you walked into that gym. He couldn't stop staring at you, resulting in him getting hit in the face by a volleyball sent from Iwaizumi. It was totally worth it though since you started fussing over him and asking if he was okay.


Not really much of a security guy unless it comes to a possibly life-threatening situation. He's seen you take plenty of falls, but he's always there to pick you back up.


Maybe about 90%. He puts effort in many of your cheesy but still romantic dates about as much as he puts effort into volleyball. Seriously. He. Loves. You. So. MUCH.


He has a bad habit of flirting with other people. I mean, you're still his #1, but his flirtatious attitude can really kick in sometimes.


Honestly, he sees you as this beautiful sexy angel and he thinks you're absolutely perfect.




Oikawa had a little boy crush on Taylor Swift when he was 10. Tell me i'm not the only one who can see this???


Not much turns him off. He's very flexible with lots of different types of personalities. Maybe if you were extremely narcissistic. (idk)


This boi is going to hug you so much at night even if you're mad at each other or waaaaaay too hot. He doesn't care. He wants you to know that you're safe in his arms and that nothing will come between you.

 He wants you to know that you're safe in his arms and that nothing will come between you

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(Aight, that's all i got for now. I think i'm gonna change things up and try Tsukki next. Yeah, I dislike him, but I wanna try something that'll challenge me. Stay tuned! -Sora~Senpai)

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