Chapter 15

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Li Yǔ's POV

Remembering the events that had led to this conversation in the first place, my eyes snapped open. "But what does any of this have to do with you coughing up blood?"

Lì: There are three main reasons for this. For one, if, after the breakthrough, the qi is not circulated properly throughout the meridians in your body, it will explode right in the pathway and damage any organs nearby. Two, the external qi is mixed with a lot of impurities, and if it is not purified quickly, the impure and pure qi will combine, become imbalanced, and again explode. And lastly, when you absorb too much of the qi, which is more than the body can handle, it will explode. In my case, it was the first one. I was in the middle of circulating when you interrupted me.

Me (apologetically): I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...

(smiling): Relax... It's fine. Nothing happened to me and I'm all healed up... Do you have any other questions regarding all this?

Me (curiously): Is there any way to increase levels quickly?

: There are... Some alchemists can incorporate their qi into their pills, which, when consumed, can make a person with a similar element increase their qi. Certain pills can purify the impure qi that may get stored in the body, and some pills can even heal a person who's almost dead, but they're all too expensive. There are pills that can allow people to break through to the next level, or even skip levels. Then there is the theory that certain places have an abnormally high amount of these energies, as compared to others, and training there would increase it by leaps and bounds but no one can find where it is... Even I don't know where they are...

Me (thinking for a while before replying): But isn't it obvious where these places are???

(surprised): What do you mean obvious??? No one has been able to figure out these places and even if they find it by chance they don't know why there is an abnormally high amount of qi or its connection with that place. Even the amount of qi in each location keeps changing every second, so there is no way to find such places.

Me: I'm pretty sure I know the places... And the reason or connection isn't a big mystery either...

Looking at his expression, I could tell he doubted me, but then again, why wouldn't he, since a few minutes ago I didn't even know about the said 'qi'. But, theoretically speaking, if we are talking about particular places where the god's auras are to be stronger than the remaining areas, then it would be places that are closer to the said god. The closer you get to Poseidon's underwater palace, the more his aura will increase and become stronger... So if you put that into practice...

Me (grinning): There is one thing you have to know about me... My way of thinking is very simple and in this case, I think that is what is needed. Those who try to figure it out try to think about it in a complex way but my brain cannot handle that (proudly)...

(trying to hide his laugh): You may think that it is a compliment but it's actually not... You're just calling yourself dumb...

 I had to physically stop myself from sticking out my tongue at him but instead allowed my lower lip to protrude in a sulky pout, pretending to feel offended by what he said, "Do you want to hear my theory or not??"

(grinning) Okay... How sure are you that they are the actual places???

I pretended to consider before responding, "50-60%", although I was 100% sure but knew he'd only be suspicious of me if I said that.

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