Chapter 82

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The above picture is a possible real-life version of fem-Percy. Although, in this book, she would have much longer hair. This chapter will bring this particular arc to an end. Look forward to the next arc. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow.


Yǔ's POV

The grin on my face flattened into a thin line at the sight awaiting me as I crossed the threshold of the Li Residence. So much for ending the day on a good note. I would have much rather have gone to my room and thought about my day with Lì and the look on Li Lien's face when she lost the bet. But no, trouble has to seek me out...

"Father." The word felt foreign coming from my lips. This man was no father to Li Yǔ. The man I was staring at held no affection for his daughter or his wife whatsoever. For all my dad's fault, I knew that once upon a time, he did love me dearly. I suppose that's what makes it hurt much more when I think of him and his betrayal. However, I feel nothing for the man standing in front of me.

Prime Minister Li stood there, along with his mother on his right and Li Lien on his left. "Come with me!" he commanded before turning around and walking further into the lobby, without even looking back as if he were so sure I'd never go against his words. I follow him all the same, curious about what he wants. It wasn't that hard to guess, but I was curious how it would unravel.

He entered the lobby, took his seat at the head, and glared down at me with distaste, while Li Lien stood pitifully in front of him. "I heard what you did at the den. How could you act so vile and disrespectful? Where is your filial piety?"

I snorted, "I'm sorry, father; nobody bothered to teach me about anything, much less about filial piety." I say with a casual shrug.

"You dare talk back to your father?" He bellows in fury.

"My father? You haven't acted as my father for all my fourteen years, and yet now you demand respect?" I retort, which only makes him more furious.

"Forgive Yǔ-er, she doesn't know any better. I'm sure she didn't mean to humiliate me on purpose!" Li Lien begs, playing the innocent card.

"But if I recall correctly, sister, it was you who requested the bet. And it was you who lost. I don't see how I had anything to do with it. Not to mention, even after you lost, I was kind enough to give you an out!"

"Li Yǔ!", father yelled in annoyance. "It was a joke. You should not have forced your sister to humiliate herself like that. You also forced two daughters from prominent families to suffer humiliation! Even if you were picking a dare, you should have picked something harmless, considering she is your older sister!!!"

"Like how she considered her younger sister when she tried to steal my fiancée?" I remarked, raising an eyebrow. "She didn't care for humiliating me, yet I'm supposed to be considerate towards her??? Sorry, father, the world doesn't work that way. You want respect; treat others with respect. You want consideration; be considerate yourself. You can't ask for things that you're not even willing to offer."

"SILENCE!!!", the grandmother intervenes, her face turned red in anger. "How dare you disrespect your elders in my own house! If I don't reprimand you today, you will never learn!". She stalked towards me, threateningly with her cane in hand. On nearing me, she raised the cane in order to strike me.

Inches before it made contact, I grabbed hold of the stick, with ease might I add, and tugged harshly, making her lose balance and fall on her bum. A small voice in my head said it was wrong to treat an old woman like that, but I drowned it out. The original Yǔ should have never been treated the way she was yet nobody tried to stop the cruel inhumane abuse. Instead they all came together to harm her and in the end kill her. No one in this house was free from the guilt of Li Yǔ's death. The grandmother groaned in pain, clutching her hips, while I twirled the stick in my hand, "Oh, grandmother! An old frail woman like you should be more careful. What if you get hurt being so careless? We want you to live a long healthly life, but that won't happen if you keep swinging your cane recklessly.", I cooed in a mock-worried tone while Li Lien rushed to help her grandmother to her feet.

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