Chapter 4

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Yǔ's POV

I close the coffin and open the door, to see Quan waiting outside. Seeing me, she lowers her head in a bow. I waved at her to stop and motioned her to follow me and told her to take me back to my room. I had a sneaking suspicion that  I may also have been poisoned but couldn't tell for sure until I sensed all the liquids in my own body which would require time (since I, unlike my mother, am still alive). I also need a way to get my memories back and also create weapons for protection (you'd never know when they'd come in handy). I guess I could create my own weapon but Hephaestus would make a better one... And I still have no clue about what to do about my memories...

Me (while walking): Quan... Tell me about this country... Anything and everything that you think may be relevent. I still can't seem to remember anything...

Quan: Yes miss... Our country is one of the richest in the world, with the latest medical technology, which is alchemy, although there are not much alchemists and the pills they sell are extremely expensive. Your mother was one, and very famous, until the rumors started...

Thanks to Annabeth's information and Apollo's blessing (although the blessing is better than all that knowledge since I only remember bits and pieces), I know what alchemy is and I'm pretty sure I can create pills, thanks to his blessing and Hecate's ring (which can allow me to conjure up the raw materials I want). I've never tried it before but if it can get me money now, I might just start...

Quan: Because of the richness and wide market, there are auctions where many priceless treasures are sold. Rare pills are sold and bought there. But even still, there are wars with other neighboring countries. QianZhou and our country are currently in a treaty but the future is still uncertain and ZongSui have been waging against us for a long time. Third Prince was the only prince, among all seven, who voluntarily went to lead the recent war, when he was fifteen years ago... He stayed in the battle field for five years, under extremely harsh conditions as compared to the palace. There are rumors that he is returning back to the palace soon.

"How many are there in total???", I enquired, overcome with curiousity.

Quan (tilting her head to one side in confusion): Who??? Princes??? (Seeing me nod, she continued) There are seven, miss, you were engaged to the seventh prince but he cheated on you with second miss...

Me (impressed): And out of the seven, only one prince went to lead the war??? Tell me more about him???

Quan: Yes, miss... His name is Wang Lì. Even though he is the third prince and a concubine's son, after he volunteered to go, he has been favored by the king. There are rumors about him being the first to become crown prince instead of following tradition where first prince succeeds the throne. He is twenty years, about six years older to you. He is also a level-nine fighter and summoner...

That would mean I am fourteen years old, which would mean I am nine years younger than my previous life. I am a twenty-three year old in the body of a blonde, fourteen year old girl...

By this time, we had reached my residence and I waited while she opened the door for me and then entered. She followed me in, seeing that I had more questions for her. Closing the door, I motioned for her to sit beside me on my bed, which she did, albeit unwillingly...

Me: What's a summoner??

Quan: There are spiritual beasts in this world. These beasts are classified based on their powers over fire, wind, water, earth, light, darkness, ice, poison thunder, etc. It is extremely rare for a beast to have more than one power but some exist. Their strength depends on their rank or level, which is from one to nine, rank one being the weakest and nine being the strongest. Some people are able to form a contract called 'master contracts' with these beasts, so that they are able to order them around or form an 'equals contract' which is more of a mutual agreement between the two. There is one more contract called the 'blood contract' where the beast is tied to the master in life and death, can only serve one master and dies when the master dies. The same is implied for the master, if the beast dies, he or she will at the least be crippled for life, or die. Because of such possibility, this contract is rarely used. Those who form these contracts are called summoner because they can summon their beasts at will no matter wherever they are. The third prince is the only one who has a legendary beast, who is said to be much stronger than a rank nine beast!!! All four misses have beasts of their own ranging in different levels, the highest being sixth, which belongs to first miss. First and second young master have a fifth and third beast respectively but third young master hasn't had the privilege of getting one yet.

Wow... I have never heard about beasts with powers before, although it'd be the least surprising thing that has happened in my life (the current most being that I ended up in a girl's body (time travelling to the past is not all that great... but in a girl's body??? A girl!!!)) And it was also very interesting. If I get the opportunity, I am going to get one beast, no matter what. Every single interest I had on prince Lì had been replaced by this new knowledge...

Me (interested): And how can someone form a contract??? If I wanted, what should I do???

Quan (surprised by my interest): You have to impress or subdue the beast, make them willingly or forcefully accept to take part in the contract and serve you. After the contract is complete a 'proof of contract' will appear on the person's body... Are you planning on getting one, miss???

Me (smiling): Not now... But I plan on it... Thank you Quan... I'd like to be alone now... I want to rest for a while. Guard the door till I wake. No one is to interrupt me until I open the door...

She replied with a soft, "Yes miss...", and left, closing the door behind her. I could sense her outside, standing on the opposite side of the door (I could tell by the shift in atmospheric water and the water content in her body)... I had learnt a lot of interesting stuff today but I had much more important stuff to do... Starting with checking for poison...

I closed my eyes and sat, in a meditation position, on the floor, and started to sense the different liquids present in my body (making sure to not interrupt their flow). I stared from the head and went to the leg. I found that everything that was there were those that were commonly found in the body but there was one foreign substance... As I thought, poison, and lots of it!!! Those bastards!!! They've been poisoning Yǔ since she was five. I could tell that it was a slow but ultimately deadly poison. Even if she had survived the drowning, she wouldn't have made it to another full year.

I considered my options. I could get it out through my sweat glands but that would be too tiring since she has had eleven years' worth of poison in her system. I could use my water healing abilities but the accumulated poison is too spread out and since it has been there long before I wound up in this body, it won't be all that effective. The only thing I could do now was freeze all the poisons at their spot and find some easier way to remove them. I started concentrating at the spots of poison and I imagined them slowly freezing (I learnt to turn water to ice and back after a lot of training and supposedly it's something only the strongest child of Poseidon is capable of doing) into a thin (not harmful) sheet of ice at various locations and made sure that they didn't interfere with the flow of other bodily fluids...

Now that one problem was temporarily solved, I had to think about the other two. One, learning about my past and the other was the weapons... After a few hours of pondering different possibilities, I decided it was best if I just went to Hades and Hephaestus for help. Even if they might not know me, if I showed them my tattoos, I'm pretty sure they'd help me. I mean, they were the ones who helped me (not those who I had expected would) in the past... no, in the future... And if they did then, they'd help me now too...


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