-Chapter 4-

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CHAPTER 4: The Knockout Kiss

"What are you doing here?" Dmitri grit out. As he got closer, his eyes raked over my face, and I could've sworn I saw them soften for a split second when his eyes ran threw my tear-streaked cheeks. But just as soon as they softened, his eyes hardened.

"I could ask you the same question." I whispered, looking away from Dmitri because the last thing I needed right now was to burst into tears in front of the sole reason for my anguish.

Surprisingly, Dmitri came and sat on the far end of the tree trunk, and stared out into the distance with me. Saying nothing.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like ages and I couldn't help but wonder why he was here. He had already rejected me so there was no reason for him to even approach me.

Was he here to rub it in my face?
Was he here to remind me about how he doesn't give a rats arse about me?
Was he here to tell me who his true love is?

A few twigs snapped and a broken voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Oooo Alpha and Ari sitting on a tree, about to start K I S S I N G" screeched a pubescent voice from somewhere near me and Dmitri.

I sharply turned to find the owner of the voice, one of Knox's friends- Mikey. Mikey was a sweet boy but he had a tendency to say things out of order sometimes.

Dmitri growled at hearing the childish words and stormed over to Mikey, grabbing his puny form by his collar and punching him square in the face.

It took me a while to absorb the brutal nature of what was actually happening- Dmitri was savagely beating up a defenceless little 15 year old. The same little 15 year old I had watched grow up alongside Knox. The same sweet, yet childish, Mikey who refused training to become a warrior like his father because he was a pacifist.

It is ironic though, isn't it? The fact that Mikey is a pacifist but he says things like this that get him into trouble sometimes. Nevertheless, it's wrong of Dmitri to be beating up a confused teen, whose idea of a joke was not so funny.

For a while I was stunned- standing as still as a tree but it was Mikeys pain filled shrieks that dragged me back into reality.

"DMITRI! STOP IT!", I shrieked, running over to Dmitri's henched form and grabbing his muscular arm.

Being an entire foot shorter than Dmitri, and having no muscles and being probably the most laziest werewolf out there meant that I wasn't able to stop him. He shoved me aside and continued his bestial attack on Mikey's teenage form.

Realising I had to do something before Mikey would be lying around in a coma- I kissed Dmitri. With all the energy I could muster, I grabbed his arm around and smashed my lips on to his own.

I won't lie- that really hurt, but it was a good distraction since it caught the attention of Dmitri.

Dmitri threw Mikey back onto the floor and growled during our kiss- seizing me by my waist.

The irony of the entire situation didn't fail to amuse me. The reason Dmitri had beaten up Mikey in the first place was for him joking about how we were going to kiss- a baseless assumption Mikey had made after seeing us on a log in the middle of the woods.
And yet all it took for Dmitri to stop battering Mikey was a kiss from me.

Dmitri's hands traveled down to my back, stopping at my aśs and it was when he gave it a squeeze that I broke the kiss.

Mikey was still lying on the floor- staring up at us in complete and utter shock. But he did have an 'I knew it' look on his face, after all he was the one to predict our kiss.

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