-Chapter 28-

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"You know Dmitri, this is all your fault."

"Ariana, I understand you're angry. So I'm choosing to keep silent."

"Keep silent?? This IS your fault so stop playing saint here because you know you aren't innocent." Dmitri was annoying me more and more.

My Elora was probably suffering at the hands of some psycho and here he was chatting away.

Dmitri visibly looked stressed out and I was probably only adding to his stress but did I care? No. My baby girl was in the hands of some random stranger who had disappeared to Goddess knows where with my little Elora.

The crazy man had left with my baby Elora in his hideous arms. Goddess knows where he was taking my poor child. All I could do was helplessly sit and stare into space.

"You know, Dmitri?" He nodded in response.

"Elora has been my reason to live ever since she was born...were it not for her I'd have given up ages ago."

Dmitri's eyes softened with regret and then hardened with determination, as if to say he would reunite me with Elora. What could he do? A powerful Alpha brought to his knees over who knows what. The man was just as helpless as I was- Alpha or not.

"Ari don't talk like that. I hate seeing you like this." The nerve of this man. Goddess help me.

"Oh. So this hurts you? You hate seeing me like this. Okay. Fair. But you didn't hate making me the way I am today, did you? Did you ever think twice about your actions? You must've thought about Elora. The poor pup you rejected- your own pup..."
I was vulnerable. Maybe it was from not sleeping all night for a failed escape plan or perhaps the years of bottling all my emotions up.

Hiding every aspect of myself that allowed me to feel because all I wanted was to be there for Elora. For my baby girl to have a fulfilled life without a father figure.

Ever since I found out that I was pregnant with Elora, my whole life changed. Everything I did was for my daughter. Being a mother, as amazing as it is, also means you lose a bit of yourself along the way. Without Elora I am nothing. My girl is what gives me strength.

"Ariana Descartes. There has never been a day in my life where I didn't completely loathe myself for my actions. I was young and I was dumb but in no way does that excuse my actions...."

"I was young too Dmitri. And I was dumb for ever expecting you to be a decent werewolf. And can you stop using age as an excuse??"

"Saying I was young only lightens the burden of the guilt I bear. I devote myself to hanging my head in apology to you but I will show you how much I have changed."

Dmitri scampered closer to me and continued. "I vow to shower you and our daughter with endless love and care and never for a second will I ever leave either of you or give you a reason to leave." Dmitri held my hands as he spoke to me with such careful yet courageous grace.

Me and Dmitri had had sex before but for the first time ever there was some form of intimacy between us. There was something so raw and naked in Dmitri's emotions and his mini speech.

I couldn't help but also feel bare. I felt as though we were perfectly aligned for the first time ever. I came back to the pack with the intention of not coming across Dmitri and now- I wasn't so sure if it's the sleeplessness or the desperation- I feel as though I possess every intention of coming across Dmitri.

I want to intertwine myself with Dmitri...but I'd be risking our past repeating itself...

"Ariana Descartes I love you beyond what words can describe. In fact my love for you and our daughter is immeasurable. Words could never ever shine a light on how I feel when I lay my eyes upon you." Dmitri's eyes looked so...genuine. He was actually pouring his heart out to me. His soul touched mine.

'Wow Shakespeare would be jealous' muttered Lena in my head and I for once could not tell her irony apart from reality.

Dmitri held my chin as he gazed deep into my soul. He was coming closer and closer and I...felt as though I was powerless to his seduction. For so long I'd been blaming Dmitri for making me feel as if I was below him but in this moment I was...equal. Equal to him.

Before he could come any closer, though, I snapped back to reality and pushed him. Of course though he's an alpha etc etc so he barely even felt the push which was embarrassing for me.

"This is not the time or the place- not that there ever will be one. You threw away any chance of that years ago." I surprised myself with the malicious manner in which I spoke to him.

I never knew I owned the capacity to speak with such immense hatred. It felt foreign but good nevertheless to displace onto Dmitri, after all had he not intervened with my escape plan- we wouldn't be here right now.

"You really want to devote your life to me? Get my daughter back. And do us a favour by staying away." Dmitri flinched at my last line and for some strange reason my heart ached a little.

'It must be love, love, loveeeee', Lena began singing and I was once again surprised at how quick she changes teams. Sigh.

The doors chose to slam open at that very moment, rescuing me from having to deal with Lena in my mind and Dmitri right next to me. The crazy masked psycho from before was back.

"It's uncanny...the resemblance you bear.." off he went again about me looking like someone this man refuses to name.

"To who, huh? Who do I look like you sick piece of shit??"

"Like your mother. She was a feisty spirit too before she met your absolute dog of a father."

Hearing him call my father a dog meant I couldn't stop the growl that left my throat. But another thing I couldn't stop was myself from wondering how this masked psycho, who had abducted me and my daughter,  knew my mother?? It can't be possible?!

"You're probably wondering how I know her, right?" He asked me the most obvious question ever.

If the situation wasn't so serious and if me getting the answer wasn't urgent, I'd probably have given him a snarky response. Instead I nodded- choosing to be diplomatic.

"Well I'm wondering if aren't my child after all."


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