-Chapter 24-

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The past was...in the past. Nowadays I was preoccupied by my beautiful baby girl Elora. I gave her one of my middle names as a surname, so her full name is Elora Roza. It sounds so cute and flowery- which is exactly how my baby is.

My pregnancy was a tough one considering I didn't have my mate with me. Or a mate at all. When a she wolf is rejected or has no mate, her pregnancy is automatically much harder because she doesn't have anyone else to rely on which leads to implications in the pregnancy.

Luckily me and my baby made it out healthy but my biggest worry is that being near humans could potentially maybe give her some long term damage? I hope not because, if anything happened to my baby I'd have no reason to live.

This entire change of environment after what had happened to me, was because of Elora, she became my entire reason to live. A reason to thrive and survive and live to see the light. Had I not gotten pregnant with Elora, I might not be on this planet right now.

Sure I had days where I thought I had messed up my life by being mateless and pregnant, but I'm so glad those thoughts went as quickly as they came. When I first laid eyes on my beautiful pup Elora, my heart swelled with such pride. She had her fathers eyes and hair but other than that she looked just like me. It scared me, sometimes when she looked up at me it felt like a mini girl version of you know who giving me sass.

Nevertheless she's the cutest soul you'll ever meet. Another worry I had was that I wouldn't be able to raise her properly but with all due praise to the Moon Goddess, my little Elora has the kindest personality ever. I hope her sweet trait of kindness isn't ever used against her.

She's in school right now, and I'm trying to get work done but I have zero motivation. Stella called earlier in the day, she said Mia is planning to throw a surprise party for my parents' wedding anniversary and that I needed to come.

Of course, I said no. Dmitri could be there and I don't want to hurt myself by being in his presence. But Stella quite clearly clarified that he wouldn't be there. Which makes me wonder if I should go back. This seems like a great opportunity, one that shouldn't be missed out on.

Elora needs to know her family.


"Amore mio, would you like to visit your grandparents?"

Never in my life have I ever seen such confusion. My poor discombobulated child just stared up at me as if I spoke alien.

"Grandparents?" To be fair, the last time she saw them, was at her third birthday party. Which was two years ago. I don't blame her for not remembering.

"Yeah sweetie, grandma and grandpa." From the tiny shelf above the fireplace, I picked up a picture of mum and dad with three year old Elora but she still didn't recognise them very well.

"They love you very much sweetheart, and we're going to see them soon!" Elora just smiled and went back to eating. Normally she was very chatty but today she was a bit quieter because of her confusion as to who 'grandma and grandpa' were.

She sat down and put Moana on. For the gazillion-th time. At this point I could definitely write down the script entirely from memory whilst also being blindfolded. I let her watch whilst I group called my support group.

Hazel had given me information about one of her friends, who led a support group here. I was urged to join and although I ignored their invitations in the first few months, after Elora was born I needed the help.

The support group was online nowadays since there's a highly contagious virus called covid-19 going around. Schools are still open though, as if the virus skips kids. As if the virus would say to them; "Can't infect you- you're a school kid." Humans and their stupidity, anyways, everyone joined and the session began.

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