-Chapter 17-

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Third Persons POV

On her drive back, Stella just chuckled. She chuckled at many things but specifically at how that naive she wolf had believed her with ease. She didn't even stop for one second and think am I doing something wrong? She just ran straight into the face of danger.

Now you may be asking; what would compel Stella to ruin the life of the Alpha heir and their rejected mother? It might not seem that far-fetched, considering Stella's already the evilest of she wolves in the Lunar Moon Pack, but this time, it's not Stella's own doing. Ariana had wanted to flee and with Stella's added hate for practically everyone and anyone, this was a little more than just fun for Stella to help Ariana out in.

Somewhere down in Stella's frozen heart there was a tiny piece of guilt sparking up but it was quickly overcome when she reminded herself of the consequences of not doing this task; the she wolf she hates most would become Luna. Ew.

Looking at the passenger seat where Ariana had left the letters she had written to Knox, her parents and Mia, Stella chuckled yet once again. Foolish she wolf, did she really think Stella was postman pat to be delivering all these? Instead, why not have a little fun with them first.

Stella pondered throwing them out of the window but that would be too risky in the case that someone found them.

Instead of her initial evil plan of throwing them out, she thought it would be a better idea for her to rewrite the letters in a way that would make them think she left completely by herself, unaided and alone.

Stella would definitely be a suspect in Mia's eyes. Mia always suspects Stella for everything and anything bad that happens. Well most of the time she's correct because it is Stella's doing but this time Stella needs to make sure her little sister never realises what she's done.

Stella was proud at the finished letter she had written for Mia:

Hey Mia,
You've probably realised by now that I've left.
You played a role in my departure; with your annoying words and your ability to make everything about yourself. You're so selfish it's disgusting. I'm glad I'm getting away from you. As for my child- I didn't want for them to grow up in an environment where an annoying âsshole like you would be their
self-proclaimed aunt. I just know my kids already thanking me.
Anyways, there's a lot more I'd love to write but my time in this shîtty town is running out.
I hope we never have to see each other again.
Toodles bîtch.

One down, two to go. Now for Knox's letter;

Hey Knox,
Where do I start, you annoying piece of shît? Well let's start with the double standards. You're always allowed to do what you want and I can barely step out of the house without explaining in detail what it is that I need to do. You can always have friends over and here I was stuck with Mia all these years because Mum and Dad knew everything about her. There's so much I could write but if I started writing it all- I'd never finish. So that's why I'm doing you a favour by stopping here.
Bye bîtch.

And now, the best one- to Ariana's parents;

Dearest Mum and Dad,
Can I even call you that? Considering you failed at your duties of being parents. You didn't do anything about me being rejected. Instead you forced me to go with you to that stupid Alpha ceremony where I found out I'm pregnant. Yep I'm pregnant. And to save my poor child from having the crappiest grandparents alive- I've run away. There's a ton I could still write but I'm running out of time so I'll save you the bother.
I hope we never meet again. Feel free to live a life of pain and sadness without me.
Goodbye forever, you prehistoric dinosaurs.

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