XXXVII❥❥❥ Ep10- Monster

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Adrien really didn't know how his kind managed to walk the lands freely up to this day. And even hold the title of a Duke, and be recorded in history as one of King Tycheros' pillars of power. Studying in a school that collectively says : demons, dragons and vampires are enemies of our Light King really isn't a conducive environment for his mental health.

It was like a sheep walking around a den of wolves. It frightens him how suddenly, someone might just wake up and realize that he is a vampire. One of their enemies.

A monster, as ten year old Elena Margavine had so eloquently put it.

Contrary to popular belief, there was a time in his life when he really did adore Elena Margavine with all his heart. There came a time when he really did look up to Duke Aima. There came a time in which he was proud to call himself a Rosemond. There was a time in his life where he believed his future would be marrying Elena, and ruling the dukedom with her. Along the way, he'd support Avarys' ascent as the next light king, and maybe when that time comes Clara Skotadi would fix her act and be a responsible queen like Aunt Lilia was.

But those times were long gone.

He remembered the event vividly five years ago, as if it was just yesterday. He could still smell the dewy Monday, and feel the wet grass on his feet. Rain was pelting down his black umbrella, and everyone was wearing black. The color that he was beginning to learn to hate. He held on to Elena's hand, as they walked out the temple. Duke Aima, and Duke Margavine were still inside, probably talking business.

"Hey, Adrien, whatever happens, I'm with you, alright?" Elena promised, with her bright golden eyes staring up at him sincerely. It was annoying, she was comforting him but he felt a sob bubble in his throat and his eyes tear up.

She wouldn't leave him, right?

Love could be so fickle.

He was so sure his father loved his mother before. They were a happy family. A bright home filled with love and laughter. But all that changed when she died. It felt like the light was snuffed out upon her death, and she took all the warmth and laughter from their house. His father, probably died along with her, and what was left was but a shell of the man he once was.

So, it came a shock to him, when Duke Aima Rosemond announced that he planned to get married— to some woman he found from who knows where. The moment she arrived at their home, with her horse face and extravagant jewelry, Adrien already saw it coming. All the suffering and anguish came in fast forward. Honestly at that moment he could say he called it.

"Adrien, I hope you would understand, but I would be marrying her. Please treat her as you would your real mother." Duke Aima explained, gazing him in the eyes. Adrien felt his throat dry, and it took considerable effort to swallow. Deep inside he already felt something in him breaking down.

If his dad loved mom so much, how could he replace her?

"I don't want to, she's not my mom!" Adrien lashed out, scarlet eyes glaring furiously at the horse-faced woman standing by his father's side. Stealing his mother's role. "And she'll never be!— I'm not like you, I won't replace mom!"

As he ran away from that scene, his distance with his father would only stretch further and further. That, was the first time he ran away from everything but it certainly would not be the last.

"G- Get off of me, you monster— Kyaaaaa!"

Adrien writhed in pain, when he noticed the magic circle beneath his feet. He gripped his neck and tried to claw at the invisible chord wrapping around his neck. He thought his step mother had already brought him a lifetime of pain and suffering, but this was a whole new level of hurt. He never knew he could even hurt like that.

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