XLIII ❥❥❥ Ep16- My Future

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What did I do? She always asked herself that whenever it comes to Adrien Rosemond. Where did it all go wrong?

From her memories, Adrien had always been the cheeky son of Duke Aima, always getting himself into all sorts of trouble. Avarys would always trail behind him, shaking his head at whatever trouble Adrien would get in to while Elena would always be there to patch him up.

As she stared at his vermillion eyes and bright smile, she felt as if she was standing under the warm sun for the first time when her whole life had been a chilling winter.

Clara was the one who helped her stand on her own two feet while Adrien was the one who grabbed her hand and ran with her towards the bright sun. Clara cherished her like the sister she never had and Adrien... he stared at her as if she was his future. They had once talked about the kind of life they would have wanted together. In her dreams, she'd be the future Duchess Rosemond and she'd live in a land where winter wouldn't come.

After their museum tour, Clara went home while Adrien and Elena stayed a bit more for some ice cream.

"Do you think... we'll get remembered in history books too?" She asked, an ice cream cone in one hand, and her future on the other.

"Of course, I'll be the next Prime Minister, and you'll be the next Duchess Rosemond, how does that sound?" His smile, and the warmth of his hand on her own.... She was certain of that future. "You'll live in that stuffy fortress with me though."

"Oh silly, we could always redecorate it."

She knew she'd never let go of this hand, and she'd stay with him through thick and thin. Even as the rain pelted her umbrella, and people in black passed through them in a blur, she promised herself she would be the strong one for him this time.

"I'll always be with you Adrien." She promised, and he looked at her as if she was his only light in the darkness. Just like how she looked at him when he saved her a few years back.

She promised herself she wouldn't let go of his hand but why did she suddenly wake up, and he was the one who let go first?

"... Adrien..." She muttered, for the first time feeling hurt as Adrien pulled his hand back, stared at her in horror and bolted out the door.

Avarys, for the first time was giving her a sympathetic look.

"He just witnessed you get attacked by a wolf, do understand he must be terrified now." Is this Avarys comforting her? So weird. But on the other hand he looked a bit guilty, brows furrowed.

"I... I'll follow him-" She tried to sit up, but the excruciating pain on her shoulder made it difficult. Avarys was actually looking at her, pity reflected in his eyes. Pity, from Avarys.

"With your condition right now? Please just rest." With a poke in her forehead, her eyes felt heavy and she succumbed to sleep.

Freaking light magic.

For a long time, she tried pretending everything was fine. She tried taping back the shattered pieces, glueing them, anything to make what was broken whole again.

"Stop it," Adrien said sternly, the same vermillion eyes that were once filled with warmth now burning her. "Please stop it. Have some respect for yourself and stop chasing me."

The blue roses around them swayed mildly with the evening breeze. At that moment she felt as if the skies just shattered in front of her. It was a lost cause. She already lost him, and it was killing her to admit that she forever lost him.

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