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The Game of Love and War: Lovelorn


The world was once filled with darkness.

Vampires, demons, humans, and magic creatures alike lurked the lands of the Earth. There is by no means harmony between the different species. They doomed each other into eternal warfare.

Finally, when the ground was razed and riches were exhausted, there appeared a human king who will save all from eternal darkness and doom.

Tycheros Laimargia the First had asked God to give him the power over light to share to the world. God agreed, marking him and his successor to come to posses violet eyes.

King Tycheros destroyed the creatures of the dark. He banished the demons to the netherworld and even sealed away the Demon King himself. The blood thirsty vampires were purged to extinction although what happened to the Purebloods is still debatable. The less harmful magic creatures like elves and faires were chased to the ends of the world where they now reside. Dragons and other mythical beasts were chased to the southern part which would be called Point of No Return.

Humans triumphed order in the world. But of course, however great, the king cannot do it alone. He shared bits of his power to four houses which would now be called the Four Pillars of Gardenia. In a time of peace and prosperity, they established what will now be called the Kingdom of Gardenia.

King Tycheros Laimargia the First became the ancestor of the Royal Family which would then be called the House of Diamonds. They go by the family name Diatiro and generally posses blonde hair. The next heir would come to posses violet eyes like the First King's. The family shared the light throughout the Kingdom of Gardenia and dictated the mornings and nights.

From then on came the four pillars of Gardenia: The House of Sapphire, The House of Ruby, The House of Emerald and the House of Topaz. Each house was given a domain to rule and a responsibility to uphold.

The House of Sapphire was given power over water and wind. They ruled over the southeast side of Gardenia. They go by the family name Skotadi, and have distinct traits of either blue hair or eyes. Their family specializes with weather control and taming the seas and oceans that surround Gardenia. They are thought to be the most powerful of the four houses, second only to the royal family.

The House of Ruby was given power over fire. They were believed to be descendants of the Pureblood vampires although that rumor itself is debatable. Still, their flaming red hair and eyes could easily be linked to the blood sucking creatures. They go by the family name Rosemond.

Next would be the House of Emerald who replaced the banished Elemental Fairies by having been given power over Earth and Nature itself. They ruled the western side of Gardenia. Out of the four houses of power, they are the most gentle and least dangerous. They go by the family name Oriel and posses grass green eyes and brown hair.

The House of Topaz was given power over Electricity. They control the storms and rainfall together with the House of Sapphire. They rule the eastern side of Gardenia. The House of Topaz goes by the family name Margavine and posses brown hair or golden eyes.

But of course, the world is constantly spinning, bringing forth new characters to dance on history's stage. The past, the present, the future is a mere bluff. History could be altered, likewise, the future could be changed.

With the curtains drawn and the spotlights turned,

Welcome to the game of love and war; Lovelorn


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