XLVII ❥❥❥ Ep20- I did the right thing today

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Elena narrowed her cat-like eyes, as she stared at him from the rim of her teacup. He could see her fingers minutely quiver, and it might be his improved senses, or he might just be overthinking. Elena remembered her self respect and had stopped desperately chasing him, and it seems she had come to an acceptance of their situation.

"I'm going home for vacation," He started quietly, noting every minuscule reaction of hers. "As you are aware, I would look for a way to dissolve our engagement."

"Hah. I knew something was up when you invited me. You are hoping for my cooperation, aren't you?" She set her tea down roughly, her golden eyes fizzing furiously, her mouth set in a straight line.

Before he could say anything, she continued. "You are aware that our engagement is an alliance of the Topaz and Ruby families. It's more than just us Adrien.  You'll be the future Duke Rosemond. With Skotadi allying with the Diatiro, are you sure you could throw away the Margavine's support?"

He was prepared for that honestly. Duke Aima had been vying for power ever since his sister became the queen. Adrien asked himself many times what kind of Duke he would become, and honestly?— not like his father for one. He doesn't know what shit his father and stepmother are starting, but he had a feeling in a few years it would all go down, and by time it all crashes and burns, he wanted to make sure that blaze would not touch Elena and the House of Topaz.

How much would he go to protect the House of Ruby?— Not much. How much would he go to protect Elena, even from himself?— A lot. When inferno comes, he'd rather face it alone. The House of Ruby and the remnants of the Dark Ages would go down with him.

It's awful. Elena loved him when he couldn't even look at himself. Those golden eyes he loved before... He can't catch her gaze without seeing horror in those golden eyes and her blood on his hands.

Someone up his family tree probably fucked up, now centuries later he's dealing the burnt of it. If he could help it, the Rosemond Line will end with him.

"I am aware of it." He said calmly. Then again, after he dissolves their engagement, what happens to Elena?— Duke Margavine was apathetic, while Duchess Margavine would fly into a deranged frenzy and solely blame Elena's non existent flaws. Elena perfected herself not only to stand by his side, but also because Duchess Margavine was obsessed with grooming her daughter to be the best bride there is.

When that time comes, he already has a way to make sure that they couldn't harm her— physically and emotionally. But to do so, he had to be on the same level as Duke Margavine.

"I just wanted to inform you of my plans from here."

"You're — hic— so unfair Adrien. Then you'd go off the grid again, Lord knows what you do when you're off the map. I love you, I'll stay by your side, I want to be your Duchess Rosemond. But with the way you're acting, it's so hard to hold on anymore Adrien..." Tears were streaming down her cheeks, that she was hastily wiping elegantly with a handkerchief. "I feel like you're leaving me every time we see each other. Why— Why are you throwing me away Adrien?"

"Well why don't you answer? You have a mouth don't you?!" She snapped in irritation, glaring at him. "Please, say something! I could help you. We could handle this together—"

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