VII ✘ The Taste of Chocolate

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💛 | A M A D E U S |💛

     Amadeus Diatiro, as the second prince, does not have much to do.

Unlike Avarys who has a lot of classes piled up, Amadeus could just literally do whatever he wants in the castle. Nobody really pays attention to him, it's always Avarys this and Avarys that. Now that he mentions it, he barely even interacts with his borther or the king.

For sure he remembers they were as close as a family and as brothers before. It had all went crumbling when Queen Lilia, their mother left. Their father distanced himself and Avarys has to take mountains of lessons he no longer has time to play with Amadeus. It went on for two years now. The castle was too huge for three people. Before he knows it, it had become hard to approach his family.

Yes, they were family, but they're nothing more than strangers at this point.

They were twins. It's just there's a world of difference between them. They do resemble each other a bit, but their personalities were contrasting greatly. While Avarys was confident, calm and collected, Amadeus was timid and shy to a fault. He'd just always end up locking himself in the music room the whole day playing piano or violin.

Musical instruments were the only thing that feels normal for him. The music room was his safe haven.

Now, he didn't intend to share his safe haven.

Amadeus immediately stopped playing the keys of the piano, and looked warily at the door to see a girl, with blue hair and blue eyes staring back at him in awe. She invited herself in the room and he only noticed now that she's carrying pastry boxes on both hands.

"Hi." The blue haired girl said. She was wearing a beautiful baby blue dress and he suspected that she's probably a daughter or some really important noble that his father invited over. But usually, when his father invites someone, they're in the Spring Garden, away from his half of the Castle where the music room is.

When Amadeus didn't say anything, the girl shifted uncomfortably.

"I- I'm Clara Skotadi. I got lost. I'm sorry for intruding, and oh, your music is very beautiful!" She didn't make sense halfway and she pretty much rambled.

Amadeus still kept his red eyes fixed on her. That seemed to have made her uncomfortable again.

"What's your name?" She asked kindly, trying not to startle him.

"Amadeus. Amadeus Diatiro." He said softly.

"Oh, the second prince!" Amadeus didn't really like to be called that but apparently it's his label now.

She suddenly jumped in alarm, hiding her left hand behind her. A few seconds later, it seems like she gathered her thoughts and walked confidently towards him.

"Here, you can have this cake," She smiled cheekily, dimples on her cheeks showing. "If you play me something."

He looked up at her. This brat....

Needless to say, he played for her. He'd never played for anyone, it was always just him, alone in the music room. Even his father probably doesn't know that he can play music instruments despite having him take up musical classes. Clara, the odd girl in his peripheral vision, sat down on the carpeted floor, unlike the noble girl she is and propped her head on her arm, gazing up at him in wonder.

When the piece ended, Clara was almost in tears. "You're so cool how do you do that?"

"Cool?" Amadeus repeated. Is that supposed to be a praise? Because no one praised him before.

"Yes, I'm sure if played Pachabell's Canon in D, it wouldn't sound as good as your version," She clapped her hands together, even if he doesn't know what song she was mentioning. "You're talented and that's cool."

"I'm not cool," Amadeus looked away from her earnest blue eyes. "Avarys, my brother, he's the one who's cool."

Her mood seem to dampen when he mentioned Avarys, but she bounced back happily. "Well duh, Avarys is a good swordsman but you're a good musician Amadeus. It's just that everyone of us has something we're good at and that's what makes us cool." She beamed proudly.

"Even if we're twins, I'm not as great as him."

"Ah geez, Amadeus, if you keep comparing yourself to your brother, I'm not giving you cake," She placed a hand on her hips. Amadeus only realized now that her blue bracelet is glowing. "Right, you two are twins, but that doesn't mean you have to be the same right?- You're your own person. It would be creepy if you two are the same. The world knows that one Avarys is more than enough." She grumbled the last part under her breath. The bluenette seems to not like his brother, he wonders why.

Then the grandfather clock chimed twelve noon.

"Oh no." Clara said, facepalming. "I totally got side tracked."

"What do you mean?" Amadeus asked.

"Here's your cake," She left him one pastry package wrapped in blue ribbon. She placed it on top of the piano. "I'm really sorry I gotta go."

"Hey, wait Clara," Amadeus called out. "Will I see you again?"

"I don't know, but Sure!" She smiled, waving happily with one hand and the other carrying her other pastry package."I'll see you next time."

He was left alone in the music room again, with the pastry package. Even if he was alone, it didn't feel that lonely anymore.

He untangled the blue ribbon and opened the package to see a small chocolate cake inside, with sprinkled and chocolate chunks. There was also a taped fork on the side.

He can't help but let a grin spread on his face as he took as slice of the cake.

He hopes, he hopes he could definitely meet Clara soon again.



Hello, Mika-chan here~(•ө•)
Thank you all for all the love and support. I'm introducing a new character, Amadeus Diatiro, Avarys' twin brother.Welp, let's see how this story turns out.

I know, I know. This POV shift is risky since y'all just met Avarys and I'm introducing Amadeus. His encounter with her is really important because in game, Amadeus falls in love with Clara while Clara's in love with Avarys. Avarys, we don't know what that guy feels.

Btw, Clara's nicer to Amadeus because he never killed her in his endings. ( • ̀ω•́ ) This is the part where he falls for her, or does he?

It makes me happy how you're so all invested in my story. It makes me happy how you all like guess "what's happening?!" and "why is this happening?!" Then start making theories and reasons. Trust me when I say I want to spoil you all, but alas I have to zip my mouth and reply without saying any spoilers. So stay Tuned!~

Lots of Love, Mika♡♡♡

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