Without-filter Me!

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I'm not an open book
I'm a book written,
With invisible ink
A book that can be read
Once you gain my trust.

I know,
You never knew this
That's because
You know nothing about me
Even though,
You think you do.

You know the without-filter me
Only if you know
The days I have cried
With all my might,
The days I have wished
To have someone by my side,
The days my emotions
Were on a rollercoaster ride.

You know the without-filter me
Only if you know
That I am different
I am unique
And no need to compare me
With every other person you see.

You know the without-filter me
Only if you have seen,
The moments I was emotional
The times I was cruel
The moments I was sweet
The times I was rude.

You know the without-filter me
Only if you were with me
When, to me, nothing mattered
I didn't care, I gave no fuck
And I felt like,
Everything around me sucks!

My life is a beautiful mess
And if you know it's also damn complicated
Then dear friend,
You have gained the trust,
For which you might have waited.

From The Bottom Of My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now