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She, is a girl
With huge dreams
In her small world,
With many accusations
And no fault,
With soaring expectations
And no support,
With massive responsibilities
Making her fall.

She, is a girl
Who is trying to make her own dreams,
a reality
Who is trying to be,
the one she wants to
Who is just trying,
just trying to live with her own rules,
Is it too much to try
and ask for?

People tell her
"You need to live for yourself and carefree"
But when she does, all she hears is
"Oh! How selfish is she!"
Damn these fake people
Who just won't let her fly!

Is it her fault,
To keep herself first before others?
To ignore the people
Who keep tryna pull her down
From the reaching the sky
of her dreams?

Yet after all this,
She continues to smile
And tries again and again.....

Yes, she is just like all of us
Trying to make her everyday,
a small step towards her dreams!

The only difference is
We sometimes lose hope,
We sometimes stop trying,
We sometimes don't get up after falling,
We sometimes let others control our lives,
But she...she never lets this happen!

From The Bottom Of My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now