Chapter 10; The Dark Mark

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*Lily's POV*
It was about 10:00 PM in the Gryffindor common room, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Lily, would you like to do some exploring?" Asked James from behind me
"How are we going to do it without getting caught?" I asked, turning around.
"I have my ways..."
"James, HOW?"
"Okay, fine. Dad gave me this thing called an invisibility cloak when I was in my first year. It can literally make you completely invisible! I tried sneaking out with Albus when you weren't here, but it isn't the same. You're the only worthy sidekick for this occasion."
I felt a rush of affection for James. After all, it was my duty to be by his side. "Okay. But where do you plan on going?"
"Well, first I plan on looking through the library, maybe even the restricted section! And then we could snoop through some of the old classroom that no one uses anymore. But if you want to do anything in particular I'm sure we can work it in." James said excitedly
"I think it all sound wonderful." I said. By the look in his eyes, I could tell he was yearning for trouble. Being a relative of the Potters and Weasleys, it just runs in your blood.
Then, James pulled from behind him a cloak. It at first looked ordinary, but then he put it around himself, and completely disappeared. I knew that we couldn't spend all our time talking in the common room, so I quickly joined him under the cloak and we set off.
I felt a chill up my spine as we walked through the empty corridors. We hadn't even done anything remarkable yet and I already felt exhilarated. Before I knew it we were in the library, and I saw a bit of movement out of the corner of my eye.
"James, who is that..." I whispered
"I don't know..."
" Lily? Is that you?" Asked a tired voice.
I pulled off the cloak and looked closer, only to see Lana sitting at a desk with a large stack of books next to her.
"Lana? What are you doing here?"
"Well... I was just doing some... late night reading. But what are you doing up?"
I looked at James for permission to tell her. He nodded in approval.
"Well, James and I were just doing a bit of exploring." I explained.
"We don't mind if you join us, though it might be a bit snug underneath the invisibility cloak." Said James, butting in.
" wait- WHAT? Did you say invisibility cloak?!?" She exclaimed.
"I'll tell you tomorrow, Lana. It's kind of hard to explain."
After James told Lana the "schedule", she joined us under the cloak and we set off to the abandoned classrooms. We didn't even bother making a pattern of which classrooms to go to. Instead we just randomly walked onto one of the moving staircases and let it take us places at random.
Most of the classrooms we entered were normal, but as we were walking down the corridor, I could feel it getting colder. I looked over at Lana and James. Lana seemed ready to pull out her wand and cast a warming spell, but James looked like he was having the time of his life.
Then both their expressions changed as we opened the next classroom's door. It was dark and very cold, and I could feel goosebumps forming on my arm. Before us, painted on the floor, was a snake slithering out of a skull and radiated the feeling of pure evil.
"It's the dark mark." Said Lana.
"The what?" I asked.
"It's you-know-who's symbol. Whenever it appears, it means his followers have been there." She said shakily.
"We need to get out of here." Said James.
All of us dashed outside of the abandoned room and shut the door as quickly as we could.
"We should all head back." I said. James and I had to walk in a completely different direction than Lana, so we all bid goodbye and headed back to our common rooms. That night I couldn't sleep, and when I did I dreamed of an old man falling off the Astronomy Tower and a boy kneeling over him, crying.

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