Chapter 5 : The Train

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        As I stepped onto the Hogwarts express, I was hit by the sheer realization that this was all finally happening. This is no longer my far future, but it is now my present. I once read a line from a muggle book in which I cannot remember the name to, but it said "the future is just composed of lots and lots of nows.". I never really knew what it meant, but now I do. Now I'm practically expierincing it.

        I shook my head as if i could phisically rid them from my mind. James let me to an empty compartment, and Albus went off to sit with his friends. We sat down in an empty compartent, since we came early and there were tons left. But they probably fill quickly. We sat in silence, since there wasn't anything more to talk about, considering that we already went over everything.

        Insted I went over everything I had done so far. I've gone through platforn 9 3/4. that was basically the normal expierience, with the running and getting it over with and the nervous looks back at your parents. I had said a long goodbeye to my parents, and I think i even noticed my mum get a bit teary-eyed.Then i obviously boarded the train and got a compartment.

"Excuse me, but, um, do you mind if i sit in this compartment? All the other ones are full." I heard a girl's voice coming from the doorway. She seemed about my age with shoulder-length brown hair and eyes that nervously swept across the room with a flash of blue-gray.

"Yeah, sure." I answered before James could say anything.

         She sat down, seemilgly avoiding eye contact. I honestly couldn't tell if she was shy or she just really didn't like people that seem to try too hard to make friends. Did I seem like i was trying too hard to make friends? I sat for a while in silence, questioning myself. Then i suddenly realized how quietly awkward it was, and how I'm normally the person who sparks conversation.

"Hi, um, I'm Lily Potter. This is my brother James. And um, who are you?"  I asked, turning to her.

"I'm Lana. Lana Evansee." She answered, finally making eye contact.

        When i first saw her, I didn't really fully take in her appearence. She had a pointed face with a hard look on her face. She was wearing a shirt that had something about a muggle band called Coldplay, and had on loose jeans.  Her eyes seemed as if she had had a rough morning, but she tried to merge a fake smile, like she was trying to be polite. I honestly didn't know what to say next, so I tried to make a genuine smile and make her feel more comfortable. She seemed to loosen at this gesture, and seemed more open to conversation. 

"Is this your first year at Hogwarts too?" I asked.

"Yeah, by the way, I was raised by muggles, so I don't really know much about what I'm doing." She informed me.

"Okay, I'll tell you all about the stuff you don't understand."

"Cool, thanks."

        We talked more about each other's families, and sometime while we were talking James left, mumbling something about sitting with his friends. Eventually the trolley came, and i ordered lots of candy and introduced her to all of the wizarding candies. She had a special interest in Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and said she had read ahead into her schoolbooks about moving photographs at Hogwarts. She had apparently read ahead into lots of things, and seemed to be the type of person who would be sorted into Ravenclaw. We eventually had to get on our robes, and James came back to make sure we were doing everything right. Very soon after the train came to a halt, and we exited the train.

I heard Lana's voice in front of me. "Woah."

I looked up.

There was Hogwarts

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now