Chapter 7; The Sorting

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Lily' s POV

        I heard Lana behind me gasp. The ceiling mimicked the sky outside, with all of the stars so clear. I even swore I saw a shooting star. I made a silent wish that my first year wouldn't be a disaster. Professor McGonnagal led us towards a stool at the front of the hall. I finally realized why they called it the Great Hall, the thing was HUGE. there were four large rectangular tables, one for each house.

         I spotted James at the Gryffindor table, and he gave me the thumbs up, and i gave him a nervous look. I looked at Lana, and she looked like she was ready to pass out from nervousness. We continued to walk foreward, and we formed a group at the front of the Hall. there was a stool with an old, tattered hat on it.

"First years, I will call you one by one to be sorted." the Headmaster said.

"Don't worry, Lily. I've read all about the Sorting. It's completely harmless." Lana said behind me. I felt instantly relieved.

Suddenly, the hat started to SING!

n times of old when i was new, and Hogwarts barely started

The founders of our noble school, were thought never to be parted.

United by a common goal, they had the selfsame yearning

To make the best magic school, And pass along their learning.

Said Slytherin, "We'll teach those whose ancestry is purest"

Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose Intellegence is surest"

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach those whose with brave deeds to their name"

Said Hufflepuff, " I'd teach them all, and treat them just the same"

A House in which they might take only those they wanted, so,

For instance, Slytherin took only Pure-Blood wizards

of great cunning just like him.

And those of sharpest mind were taught by Ravenclaw.

While those bravest and boldest went to daring Gryffindor.

Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest, the loving, and taught them all she knew.

Thus the Houses and their founders retained friendships firm and true.

I sort you into houses, because thats what I'm for.

But this year I'll go further,

Listen closely to my song;

Still I wonder whether whether Sorting May not bring the end I fear

We must unite insdie Hogwarts

Or we'll crumble from within

I have told you, I have warned you...

May the sorting now begin.

Applause broke out from the crowd, and I felt even more queasy than before. We must unite inside Hogwarts or we'll crumble from within. What does that mean?

The Headmaster called out names one by one to be Sorted. finally she called out,

"Evansee, Lana"

*Lana's POV*

I slowly wallked up to the stool, sat down, and the Headmaster sat the hat upon my head.

It broke out into murmurings "Oh, brilliantly creative mind. But there is much boldness, very much indeed. Quite a rebellious attitude. Hmm, you could do amazing things in Slytherin, brilliant things indeed. You wish to be in the same house as your friend, but we all know which house she'll be in. Better put you in a house with people you're simillar to. You'll do well in... RAVENCLAW!

The people at the Ravenclaw table cheered as I rushed over, and I looked at Lily to see her faintly smiling, with a hint of dissapointment in her eyes.

Lily's POV

I felt my heart sink as Lana walked over to the Ravenclaw table. I knew i wouldn't be in the same house as her, since both my mother and father's families since the dawn of time had been purely Gryffindor.

"Potter, Lily"

there was a courrus of murrmurs from the crowd as i walked up to the stool and the hat was placed on my head.

Right away it started faintly murmuring "Hmm... a hard one. Purely a Gryffindor family. Those courageous Potters and Weasleys. Quite the Hufflepuff spirit, I cannot deny. You wish to be with your friend in Ravenclaw, and you are smart no doubt. After all, your middle name is that of a Raveclaw's, that wonderful Luna Lovegood. But your bravery must be carried out. torn between fate and friends, your father felt the same. Your fate is... GRYFFINDOR!

I walked over to my house's table, and the whole table was cheering and yelling in glee. I couldn't supress a laugh when i saw James hooting loudly and clapping like maniac.

"Well done, Lily! Couldn't have been in a better house!!" shouted James over the noise. Everyone eventually settled down, and there was only one last person left, a girl with blonde curls named Molly Grindy, who was sorted into Hufflepuff. We were then led to our common rooms. The Gryffindor common room was comforting, but I was hoping that Lana was feeling better than I am. As i settled into bed in the girls's room, I hoped that the Sorting Hat's words were right, and that my bravery must be carried out.

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