Chapter 8; The First Day

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Lana's POV

        Ravenclaw Tower was beautiful, the whole thing was round to shape its tower perfectly. There was lots of large windows, and almost everything were the regal colors of either bronze or navy blue. The ceiling was like watching a clear night sky, it even had all the constillations pointed out. The girls's dormitory was magnificant, with its silk bedspreads and fancy feel. In every room there is silk ribbons dangling from the ceiling, and I felt like i had been transported to a wonderland palace. The small libeary in the next room over was convinient for homework, and Rowena Ravenclaw's regal statue stood at the center of all this beauty with a wise look in her eye reminding us who created all this magnificance.

Lily's POV

        I woke up with a smile on my face, excited to finally start my classes. I gathered my books from my trunk and got dressed into my Gryffindor uniform.  I felt a sense of accomplishment as  watched all the other girls drag themselves out of bed, and I sat cross-legged on my bed, thinking about all the things I may run into on this day at Hogwarts.

        I eventually walked into the common room, only to five minutes later walk out the door for my classes. First I had Transfiguration with Professor McGonnagal, and I was excited to find we were turning writing quills into pillows. I was pretty good at it, considering it was one of my first times using actual magic. We had class with the Hufflepuffs, and I sat at the table with a really nice Hufflepuff named Molly Grindy. She was a muggleborn, and talked a tad bit about the muggle books she read. One was called The Fault In Our... Planets, I think it was?

        Then I had Herbology with Professor Longbottom, who had  been friends with both of my parents. As I walked out to the greenhouses, I loved the perfect weather, not too warm yet not too cool. Professor Longbottom was clumsy yet he definetly seemed like he knew what he was talking about. He talked to us informitavley about the different types of magical cactuses that can cure certain potions. I listened, and once the lesson ended he told us we would be learning and dealing more with them tomorrow. As I walked out of the greenhouse, he waved goodbye to me and I made sure to tell him my parents said hello.

        Next was History of Magic with Proffesor Binns. The interesting thing was that this teacher was really a ghost, who ad left behind its dead proffesor's body in a fire, and continued to teach. His class was honestly quite boring, but I took notes anyways to keep myself from falling asleep. Once that class was finally over, I had lunch which was delicious. There wasn't really much else to say about my morning, which eventually faded into the afternoon. Next I had Charms with the Ravenclaws and then I had Potions with Slytherins. I made a mental noteto make sure I sat next to Lana in Charms so we could catch up on how our day went.

        Once lunch was over I made a beeline to the Charms class. I looked around for Lana, and eventually spotted her. Once I made my way over to the table in the classroom where she was sitting. She didn't notice me at first because she had her eyes glued to a newspaper. No wonder she got in Ravenclaw. But she looked extremely concerned.

        "Uh, Lana?" I asked

        "Oh! Lily, I didn't notice you. But you have to look at this." She said, pointing to an article.

        I leaned in to take a look, and the headline said: Azkaban Breakouts On The Move. I remembered the newspaper James and I had stolen from my parents. It said people had broken out of Azkaban, the wizarding prison. This couldn't be good. I continued to read. This couldn't be good.

        Then, Professor Flitwick walked to the front of the room and asked us all to settle down. Then he demonstrated a spell for us to practice. We all continued to talk but only in whispers as we worked on practicing the spell. I returned to my concerned conversation with Lana.

"Hey, Lana. What do you think the Ministry of Magic will do about it? Like, other than just search for them?"

"Probably just warn people to keep a look out for them. There's really nothing else we can do. But whatever they're doing, I hope they're doing something worthwhile."

        We worked on our spell, but Lana got the hang of it before I did. I accimplishe dit rigth after she did. Then the class ended, I waved goodbye to Lana, and I headed over to Potions.

Whoooo cliffhanger

Heyy guys sorry it's taking me so long to update but my thanksgiving break is in two days so I'll be updating more then. I'm thinking about starting a Hunger Games fanfiction, what do you think? What do ya want to happen to Lily in Potions? Thanks guys for reading.

Love ya :)))))

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