Dinner with Ted Lupin

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Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. Albus went to open it.

Ted walked in. He had bright red hair, like a tomato. He was tall and awkward but kind looking.

Ted embraced with my parents. then he faced my brothers and I.

"Well, look at you three. seems you grow a foot every time i see ya, though that's twice a week."

He ruffled Jame's hair as he said this, making it even messier than before. I couldn't help but laugh as he said this.

We sat down to eat, since Ted said he was starving.

Now, you may be wondering, why is Ted Lupin at my house? Well, he comes over 4 times a week for dinner, since my dad is his godfather. Sadly, his parents died in the Battle of Hogwarts, which took place before i was born. He grew up with his grandmother, but always ha da close relationship with my dad. Thus, he just spent a lot of time with my family. He was always a very peppy person, and i have hardly ever seen him angry, sad, or frustrated. Now, the reason why his hair is the hue of a freshly grown tomato, his mother had the ability to change her appearence at will, and he inherited it from her. He usually changed the shade of his hair based on his emotions. Like, when he gets really excited, his hair turns really bright colors, like neon shades. But when he gets really serious (which is hardly ever) his hair turns jet black. Also, his father was a werewolfe, though he didn't inherit that.

My mom walked into the dining room with the food, and i couldn't contain my excitement any longer.


Ted gave me a look of pure amazement, jumped out of his chair, and his hair turned an extremely bright shade of purple.

"Seriously? It's actually real? You're lying, aren't you. This is one of you and James's little jokes again, isn't it? I'll need full proof before i believe you."

I handed him the letter, and he smiled even wider. "Well then, Lily Luna Potter moved into the big leagues, didn't she?

We all smiled, and Ted sat back down to eat. Everyone gave me advice on the Hogwarts teachers, classes, and all the things to do and not to do.

Apparently Professor McGonagall and Professor Longbottom were favorites amoung the Gryffindors. My parents told me about how they knew Professor Longbottom, who was a fellow student of theirs when they were in school. This was all so fascinating, and I listened attentivley. I was most excited for Potions class, which i thought seemed interesting.

Things cooled down from there, and Ted said he should be leaving.

Though even as he left the house, his hair was still a shocking purple color.

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