Chapter Three

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Andy took the cup and sneakily goes out from the bar walking more faster than he does, within a few minute he reached the library. He placed the cup on the library table and climbed the book shelve with a ladder to get one of the ancient book he previously saw that word like design on. Andy brought the book down breathing heavily, he flipped each page of the book as he examine it. The design was a word derived from ancient Vinstorm and Greek which means death. "Jackpot",Andy snapped dropping his back on the arm chair grinning with delight. He packed the book and puts it back in the shelve, setting them straight and neat knowing that he had just cracked the code.
Andy walked out of the library smiling when he heard a sobbing voice. He went back towards the direction of the voice slowly step by step as he approaches a beautiful teenage girl with yellow blonde hair putting on a red snazzy dress, the ones you wear when attending an occasion. She held a rope around her neck tied to the roof.
"Hey,please don't do this ",Andy said in a low tune.
"Who are you to tell me what to do",
She said sobbing bitterly.
"I may mean nothing to you but what you are trying to do,I know deep down in you, you don't really want to do it",
She nodded her head with tears on her eyes, "Yes,you are right I don't want to die...... not like this,but I have to".
"Hey look at me", Andy called out, "It may seem to you like all is lost but let me tell you something, nothing is lost. You are too young and beautiful to die, just pull the rope out of your neck ", Andy said coming closer. She cried out loud groaning as she pulls her head out of the rope. Andy grabbed her, "It's alright...... is okay,you are save",he gently brought her down from the chair she stood on.
She adjusted her tight gown,wiped her tears, trying to put her self in order.
Th.... thanks for saving my life", she stammered.
"No problem. Is just that you delayed me.
"Sorry if that will cause trouble for you", she said calmly.
"No....not at all", Andy said.
"Thanks again, I will be leaving".
"Okay,Just don't try committing suicide again",Andy said.
Andy walked slowly as he went back to the bar. The man dead body has been taken away by his relation to be cremated and the bar scanty, so many people have left.

There may be some mistakes. But I hope you will love it.

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