Fan Q&A!

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Hey fellow Sages! This if Fireheartsage here and this 'chapter' I suppose we can call it is all you all and your thoughts on this story so far! That being said, let's get these fan questions started.

1. Who is your favorite character in Kingdom Hearts Advent so far?
A. Sora
B. Cloud
C. Aerith
D. Tifa
E. Barret
F. Red XII
G. Yusuke
H. Other (please state in comment)

2. This version of Sora while older and more powerful than the games version has felt lots of pain... If you were Sora, which of these would hurt you the most?
A. Missing a life with the love of your life
B. Everyone you ever cared about, including said love of your life has died
C. Despite saving the multiverse, you were still treated as a final boss as tossed aside by an organization you built to help you save the multiverse
D. Finding out you have a kid and you've been missing out on so many years of his life

Dang... Advent Sora REALLY needs a hug....

3. Which FF7 character that has not yet met Sora are you most excited to see interact with him?

4. The body of Yen Sid has been dug up and now Yusuke begins his journey... what Disney world would you like to see Yusuke visit?

5. Despite being past the Midgar saga.... what elements of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake would you like to see implemented in a new way in this version of the story?

6. What do you think has been the best moment between Sora and Aerith?

7. Best Sora based friendship trio?
A. Sora, Riku, Kairi
B. Sora, Donald, Goofy
C. Sora, Cloud, Aerith

8. What Final Fantasy game would you like to see adapted into a KH Advent book?

Do you believe Sora can prevent Aerith's tragic fate and why?

10. If you could somehow bring another KH character into the KH Advent series, who would it be? (Yes... characters originally from FF games or Disney are included in this question)

11. How do you think the Heartless got to Gaia?

The door is about to open.... fates will be changed... or sealed.... once the door is open... you can never go back. Will you defend the light... or will the darkness overcome you? Can a heart filled with sorrow and loss still be a guiding key.... beware Sora... because fate has her gaze o you....a woman scorned... over a key that should have never been yours... over lives that should have never been saved... prepare to return to the start... Kingdom Hearts is where all returns... the door still not yet opened... the door that will change what you are... forever.... beware Sora....

Return to Kingdom Hearts....

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