Chapter 9

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Sora was relieved when nothing else bad happened on the way to Kalm. He, Aerith, and Cloud all entered the city, and all 3 of them were pretty hungry.
"We finally made it to Kalm." Cloud told Sora and Aerith.

"I wonder if everyone's here already. Let's hurry to the inn we promised to meet them at!" Aerith said. Sora nodded. However, as Cloud and Aerith walked into the inn, Sora felt more explorative. After all, he needed to find a store to find ingrediants to cook some food.

"Let's hope all those years sealed away didn't make me lose my cooking skills Little Chef drilled into me." Sora told himself outloud as he started to walk around the town. As people walked around the city, Sora started to notice many women looking at him. Sora tried hard not to smile in embarrassment... he clearly wasn't used to the attention he had been getting in this world. As Sora passed a weapons shop, he noticed a small shield made for attack rather than defense. Sora sighed, remembering Goofy's choice of weapon. He missed Goofy a lot.. Donald too. Donald and Goofy had been his travel companions and partners in fighting darkness for ages. Sora walked on as he let feelings of nostalgia fill him. This town... reminded him of Traverse Town... and it comforted Sora.

"You don't look like you are from around here." said a young, beautiful shop keeper, about 20 years old like Sora as she waved for him to get closer. Curious, Sora walked toward her and responded.

"I come from some islands... far from here. I'm here traveling with friends."

The shopkeeper nodded at Sora before she smiled at him.
"Anything you are looking for?" the shop keeper asked.

"A place where I can buy some groceries." Sora replied. The shop keeper stepped aside to let Sora in hee shop.

"Well, you've found it." she said. As Sora stepped inside the shop, he noticed there were lots of high quality ingrediants here. Sora was glad that during his time spent at Aerith's house back at Midgar, he had been smart enough to save lots of gil. After buying the ingrediants, Sora was about to leave before the shop keeper gave him something for free.

"What's this?" Sora asked.

"Heal materia. I... I don't know why... but I feel compelled to give this to you. You seem... like such pure person... but your broken heart... is visbile in your eyes. I... I would like to see what you look like healed... so while this may not heal your soul... this heal materia may help you heal your body if need be." the shop keeper explained. Sora smiled.

"Thanks... ummm... what do I call you?" Sora asked.

"Me... I'm Kaiyo. And you are?" asked the shopkeeper.

"I'm Sora." Sora replied. Kaiyo giggled as she remembered someone.

"Sora, huh. I knew a person named Yozora once (not the same guy from KH3)... you remind me of him." Kaiyo told him. Sora smiled.

"You remind me of someone special too. Her name was Kairi. Well anyway... I gotta go. Bye, Kaiyo. I'll see you again sometime." Sora told her. Kaiyo nodded and waved at Sora as he left.

"I hope you come back soon, Sora." Kaiyo whispered as she saw the man she had made an almost instant connection with walk away.

When Sora went into the inn, it didn't take long for him to find the large room he and his friends were all staying in.
"Sora, you're late." Aerith said as Sora entered the room to see Barret, Tifa, Red XIII, Jessie, Wedge, and Biggs were all here as well, along with (of course) Aerith and Cloud.

"Would you rather I don't cook? I have a large party of people to feed." Sora replied as he walked over to the room's kitchen and started to cook.

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