Chapter 3

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Sora and Cloud followed Aerith deeper into Sector 6 to find a lively town. Aerith looked at her two 'bodyguards'.
"This place is scary in a lot of ways. Especially for a girl. So we've got to find Tifa, fast!" Aerith told them. Cloud sighed.
"I have a bad feeling about this... but I think I know where we can go for information." Cloud said as he motioned for his two companions to follow him. Cloud led Sora and Aerith to the Honey Bee Inn.
"Oooh man... Kairi would kill me if she had seen me here now." Sora said softly to himself. As Cloud walked over to the man at the front of the Inn the man greeted Cloud.
"Welcome. Even unpopular dweebs like you may meet their destiny here. So; you're looking for a girlfriend?" the man said to Cloud.
"You know a girl named Tifa?" Cloud asked.
"Hey, you're pretty fast. Tifa's our newest girl. But unfortunately, she's having an interview right now. Here at Honey Bee Inn, it's customary for all the new girls to be taken to Don Corneo's mansion. Don Corneo is a famous dilettante. Now he wants to settle down and is in the market for a bride." The man explained. Sora groaned at hearing that.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Sora said.
"Well... let's so to Don Corneo's mansion." Cloud said. Cloud let the way, going back to the main market place and heading up north toward the Don's mansion.

As the trio arrived at the mansion, they saw a man standing guard in front of the door.
"Hey." Sora greeted.
"This is the mansion of Don Corneo, the most powerful man in Wall Market. Look, the Don's not into men. So don't let me catch you or the spikey brown haired one here again. Hey, you got another cute one with you!" the guard said. Sora growled as Oblivion appeared in his hand.
"Sora... calm down." Aerith said and she pulled Sora and Cloud toward her and walked away from the guard a bit.
"Look, I can go in there and take a look around. I'll tell Tifa about you, Cloud." Aerith told them.
"That's a bad idea." Sora replied.
"How is this a bad idea?" Aerith asked.
"Do you not know what kind of place this is?" Cloud asked.
"What am I supposed to do? Do you want to go in there with me?" Aerith asked. Sora sighed.
"I don't think we can unless we sneak in." Sora said. Cloud sighed.
"If we just bust in there... It'll cause a commotion.... I guess the first thing we need to do is see if Tifa's all right." Cloud said.
"How?" Sora asked. Aerith then started to laugh, hard.
"What's so funny?" Sora asked. Cloud looked at Aerith.
"I'd like to know that too." Cloud added.
"The only way either of you would get in... is if you dressed like girls." Aerith told them.
"WHAT?!" Sora and Cloud yelled in unison. Aerith ran to the guard.
"Just wait. I've got some cute friends I'd like to bring." Aerith told the guard.
"No way... I can't do that. Kairi's spirit would come down from the afterlife and kick my butt! Not to mention Aqua's.... and Naminé's.... and Xion's." Sora said.
"Yeah, I can't do this either." Cloud added.
"You two ARE worried about Tifa, aren't you? Then come on, let's go." Aerith replied.
"I vote that one of us stands guard outside so that we can bust in there if this plan blows up in our face." Sora said.
"I think I can do that pa..." Cloud started to say before Sora pushed Cloud forward.
"Good luck with crossdressing, Cloud!" Sora said, much to Aerith's amusement.
'Damn you, Sora!' Cloud thought.

While Sora waited on Cloud and Aerith's progress, Sora found a gym.
"Hey, do you have some practice dummys I can practice my sword skills on?" Sora asked. The gym owner pointed at the corner and Sora summoned Oathkeeper, and started to train. As Sora swung his Keyblade at multiple practice targets, Cloud and Aerith walked in... and Cloud was holding a soft, shimmering dress in his arms.
"Aerith, did you make Cloud get a dress?" Sora asked before he busted out in laughter. Cloud growled as he looked down.
"Shut up, Sora." Cloud said, only making Sora laugh harder. But in his head, Sora heard another voice laugh with him... and he could swear that it was Riku's.
'Probably my imagination.' Sora thought. The gym's owner walked over to Cloud and Aerith, but he was pointing at Cloud.
"You the one.... who wants to be cute?" the gym owner asked.
"Cute?" Cloud asked.
"He's the one." Aerith replied. Sora smirked.
"Cute, huh?" Sora asked. Cloud sighed... he'd never live this down.
"So about that wig..." Aerith started to say.
"Yeah, I heard. But it'll cost ya?" the gym owner replied.
"Big Bro! The only way you're gonna get cuter is if you can beat Big Bro!!" said some of the people in the gym working out.
"That's right." The gym owner said.
"So you've got to compete with us!" said another person in the gym.
"What kind of contest will he have to win?" Sora asked.
"Squats!" the gym owner replied.
"Are you..." Cloud started to ask.
"THE beautiful bro?" asked Aerith. Sora was confused... what was so significant about this?
"Yeah. That's why everyone here calls me 'Big Bro'. Ok... we'll do this for 30 seconds... nice and quick... whoever has the most squats, gets the wig. Begin!" the gym owner replied.

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