Chapter 2

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Sora was with Aerith as she tried to sell flowers in Sector 5. News about AVALANCHE blowing up a generator the day before was all over the place, but Aerith was still able to sell from flowers due to her calming presense.
'At least SOME things never change' Sora thought as he continued to walk with Aerith. Aerith then decided to check on her flower bed in the church she met Sora at and then they heard a large explosion. When Sora and Aerith arrived at the church, a guy with a giant sword, purple outfit, and spiky blonde hair was in the flower bed. He had fallen through the hole Sora had made with Oathkeeper the day before.
"And it happened again." Aerith said as she looked at Sora with amusement. Sora chuckled.
"So... this is the Cloud of this universe." Sora said. Cloud sat up.
"How do you know my name?" Cloud asked.
"Are you ok?" Aerith asked, knowing that Sora would probably not answer Cloud's question.
"This is a church in the Sector 5 slums. I was showing my new friend around, and we came to check on the flower bed here... and then an explosion was heard. It gave me quite a scare." Aerith explained.
"And I came crashing down? I fell down and landed here?" Cloud asked.
"The flower bed broke your fall, you got lucky. But... just in case..." Sora said as Oathkeeper appeared in his hand. Cloud looked intently at the sword, ready for a surprise attack.
"Heal." Sora said as he cast Curaga on Cloud, healing him. Cloud sighed, looking greatfully at Sora and nodded at him.
"So... is this your flower bed?" Cloud asked Aerith before standing up and continuing with "Sorry about that."
"That's all right. Sora, here, fell from the sky onto the flower bed yesterday. Luckily the flowers here are quite resilient because this is a sacred place." Aerith explained. Aerith grabbed a can full of water and watered some plants.
"They say you can't grow grass and flowers in Midgar. But for some reason the flowers have no trouble blooming here. I love it here." Aerith explained. Cloud shrugged.
"I can see why. I used to live on some islands, we had all kinds of trees and fruit... I miss the fruits found in Destiny Islands." Sora said with a sigh.
'So those islands were called Destiny Islands.' Aerith thought as she thought back to her dream. Cloud looked at Sora.
"You still haven't answered my question. How did you know my name?" Cloud asked. Sora sighed.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Sora replied.
"I believed you." Aerith pointed out. Sora sighed.
"I'm from another universe. In that universe, I met a great fighter known as Cloud Strife. He and I became good friends. He always pushed me to get stronger. You, look just like him... so... I guessed that you are this universe's Cloud." Sora explained.
"And you believed this?" Cloud asked Aerith.
"How else do you explain that he knew both you and me... and yet had never met us before?" Aerith answered. Cloud stayed silent... stumped on the matter. As Aerith tended to the flowers in the flower bed, she decided to ask Cloud a question.
"Do you remember me?" she asked.
"Yeah, I remember you. You were selling flowers." Cloud replied. Aerith stood up, with a smile on her face.
"Oh! I'm so happy!" Aerith said. Sora rolled his eyes.
"Tell me when the wedding is... I'm going now, Aerith." Sora said. Aerith frowned.
"You said you weren't leaving." Aerith said.
"I said I wouldn't leave last night, while I was a guest in your house." Sora replied.
"And I told you that you needed to stop being prideful and let your heart heal!" Aerith replied. Cloud looked at them in amusement.
"I don't think you'll win this argument." Cloud told Sora, who sighed.
"Anyway, Cloud.. do you have some materia?" Aerith asked.
"Yes, some." Cloud answered.
"Nowadays you can find materia everywhere." He added.
"But mine is special. It's good for absolutely nothing." Aerith said. Sora facepalmed.
"And that's special... how?" Sora asked.
"Maybe she just doesn't know how to use it." Cloud replied.
"No. I do. It just doesn't do anything. I just feel safe having it. It was my mother's..." Aerith replied. Sora sighed... he knew where this was going... and it looked like he needed to break the sad mood.
"So... I just met two alternate versions of my old friends... how about we all meet up here again one day and tell stories?" Sora suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Cloud replied, curious.
"Let's all introduce each other. I'm Aerith, the flower girl." Aerith said.
"I'm Cloud. I do a bit of everything." Cloud said.
"I'm Sora. I'm a Keyblade Master." Sora said before a light appeared in his hand and Oathkeeper appeared in his hand once again.
"Keyblade.... interesting." Cloud said.
"What do you do with this Keyblade?" He asked.
"I fight darkness and evil... or that's what I did in my old universe." Sora replied.
"So you were a hero." Aerith said. Sora smiled.
"You could say that." Sora replied. Aerith giggled.
"What are you laughing at?" Sora asked. Aerith shook her head.
"Sorry... I just... you two... are so alike in some ways." Aerith said. Sora and Cloud looked at each other.
"Huh?" They said.
"Don't let it get to you two." Aerith said.
'Zach... both of them... remind me of you.' Aerith thought.
"How would either of you feel about being my bodyguard?" Aerith asked.
"Huh?" They said.
"Cloud... you DO everything, right? And Sora, you were a hero. I saw you fight last night against those Shinra guards... I'd feel safe if you stayed with me." Aerith explained. Sora sighed.
"Fine. I'll do it... but... I don't have anything around here to sustain myself... it'll cost you." Sora said, then he turned to Cloud.
"You in, too?" Sora asked. Cloud shrugged.
"Yeah, why not. But it'll cost her." Cloud replied.
"Well... I don't know what I could pay you..." Aerith said.
"Ok... so I'll just have you continue to show me around Midgar and we'll call it even." Sora replied.
"In that case... my price will be paid by Sora... I want to spar with you one day." Cloud said. Sora smiled.
"Fine by me." Sora replied.
"Now that that's settled, take me home please." Aerith said. As Sora and the two others followed him out of the church, someone blocked their path.

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