Chapter 5

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Sora could see guards ahead so he motioned for Cloud and the other to follow him. Sora ran to the left, and entered a room, hiding from the guards, wanting to plan this out rather than just waste all his magic on guards.

"Lookit that, all them guards is runnin' around. Sora, you go on ahead and signal us when it's sage to come." Barret spoke up. Sora nodded, before taking a door behind him. As Sora watched the soliders, Barret had the door open to that he and the others could see his signal. It didn't take very long for Sora to lead them into the next room.

"Ok! We gonna rock!" Barret said.

"Remember, we're here to save Aerith." Tifa reminded them. Sora nodded.

"Wouldn't forget it." Sora replied as his Final Form wore off. However, Sora was not worried... he had learned lots of tricks and spells since his days fighting Xehanort as a teenager.

"I was talking to..." Tifa started to say before Cloud shook his head. Tifa nodded in understanding. Sora knew she was talking to Barret... but Sora was right now a man on a mission, he didn't care for technicalities at the moment. The trio then went up the stairs and into a new room. As the trio exited the room, a Shinra employee noticed them.

"The hell are you? What are you doing here?" the employee asked. Sora looked around and thought fast.

"We're the Repair Division. From the looks of this floor, this part of the building looks like it's about to fall apart." Sora lied.

"I feel the same way. This door was just pushed open. You ought to fix this right away." the employee replied while pointing at the door.

'Clever.' Tifa thought looking at Sora.

"Oh yeah, and take a look at the other floors too. I'll give you this." the employee said as he passed Sora a card that said 'Keycard 62'.

"Thanks. We'll begin inspections now before we get to the actual repairs." Sora said while the employee nodded.

"Right. Have a nice night." the employee said before walking away. Sora and the others went back the room they had came from and went upstars to the 62nd floor to head towards another door. As the quartet walked to the elevator they saw another Shinra employee in front of it. His name tag read 'Hart'.

"How do you do?" Hart greeted.

"Well, thanks. Listen, we're the repair group and we are inspecting the building... thing is, we're new and kind of lost. Can you tell us where we are?" Sora asked.

"Certainly. Right now, where stand is just outside of Midgar Mayor's office. Mayor Domino is in his office. I am the Deputy Mayor. If you should have any questions, feel free to ask me." Hart answered. Sora smiled.

"We will. Thanks." Sora said as walked passed him and into Mayor Domino's office.

As they walked in, Domino looked up and noticed the 4.
"Hmm? Oh.. and who might you be?" Domino asked, but before Sora could answer, Domino continued speaking.

"You all must be those... ahem... anyway I'm Domino, the Mayor of Migar. Actually... I'm Mayor in name only. The city and everything is really run by Shinra Inc. My only real job is watching over Shinra's documents. It's a lonely job. I mean, I'm supposed to be the mayor, and instead I'm some glorified librarian! Oh... Anyway, you want to get upstairs, right?"

Sora nodded.

"I'll tell you what, if you can guess the password, I'll give you the keycard. That's it. Guess the password and you'll have my keycard. Heck, if you get it on the first try, I'll even throw in a special item!" Domino told Sora and friends.

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