𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖: 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤

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𝕛𝕦𝕟𝕖, 𝟚𝟘, 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟡
𝟙𝟙:𝟜𝟝 𝕒.𝕞.
𝕡𝕠𝕧: 𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕖
𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕛𝕠𝕙𝕟𝕟𝕪 '𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖'

"What do you mean?" Johnny then continues after me, "What kind of secret?" "well...how can we put this?" he paused "A-Annie, this is your—well, mom" "Johnny, this is your—dad" they both flinch in scared & worried way, I'm guessing as to how we'd react. "w-what? Wait no- huh?" "Woah Woah Woah, hold on-" Johnny was about to continue but couldn't. Johnny & I were both speechless, we couldn't process what was going on. "J-Just let us explain" we both turned to each other and looked back at the two, nodding slowly.

"Your dad & I met when we were really young kids and started dating in high school—when we graduated, I found out I was pregnant with the two of you-" Johnny then cut her off, "so we're actually, twins?!" Dad then nodded as he bit his bottom lip nervously. By now my head was in my hands as I continuously tried to process all this news at once, "okay anyways, while you two were still in the womb—your dad & I were young & dumb teenagers and thought 'oh well since we're having babies together minus well be married ' and so we...eloped. After you two were born, your dad & I began to have issues and we broke it off. We also made the stupid decision to split you two up and made the decision to tell you guys the truth after you both graduated from high school"

"We know it's a lot to take in, and we understand if you two may be upset or angry with us but please just try to understand why we did this" dad says, I look up at the two of them and glance over to Johnny. I let out a deep breath and end up walking out of the house, I quickly shut the front door and sit on the porch swing.

I know I shouldn't have done that, but I was honestly upset right now and I have every right to be—I mean who the hell splits up their kids at birth and never tells them about each other. Especially if they're twins, I thought they only did that in the movies.

Was this the 'surprise' my dad was telling me about?

I mean yeah, having Johnny as my brother, let alone twin is amazing because I love the kid like a brother but I'm just pissed at the fact that I've missed out on so many amazing opportunities and memories I could've had with Johnny for the past 18 years-

I heard the front door begin re-open, causing my attention to turn towards it—I see Johnny coming out. I sigh as I turn my head back, looking out onto the street. I feel him sit down right next to me as I begin to fiddle with my fingers, it's always been another one of my bad habits when I feel apprehensive. I knew Johnny could tell, considering he pulled me closer by wrapping his arm over my shoulder in a comforting way. I lean my head onto his shoulder letting yet another long sigh.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while until I feel his eyes on me as he finally says something, "are you mad?" I look down at my hands once more, "I dunno John, I mean yeah I'm upset but at the same time I'm not, you know what I mean?" When I look up at him, we locked eyes and he sadly smiles. "yeah—I know what you mean Ann's" another comfortable silence occurred before he continued talking.

"Wow, I really don't know how to process this. I mean, we're twins and we're just finding out now?" I scoff, "That's why I'm upset" "what do you mean? do you not want to be my sister?" Johnny's face was full of confusion. "no-no, that's not it, at all—It's just like you said, we're just finding out about this now. If we'd known sooner, do you know how many amazing memories we could've had? Or how different life would've been? We've missed out on so many opportunities that we could've experienced together, Johnny"

By now my legs were crisscross with them both completely on the swing, I was facing Johnny as he did the same. He had a slight frown plastered across his face, "I understand what you're saying, Ann's—and I completely agree but look on the bright side. Now that we know, there's nothing that can stop us from making all those memories that we missed out on. Not only are we both old enough to make our own decisions but it's also our summer and the perfect time to start making up for the time we missed out on" I smile up to him, "thank you, John, I'm glad I have you as my brother because I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though we just barely found out"

Johnny's smile quickly turned to a devilish smirk, pulling me into yet another hug "hey, I'll always be here for my little sister" I quickly push him off of me with an eyebrow raised, "um excuse me, who said you were older, hm?"
He innocently grinned as his eyebrows went upwards, causing me to run back into the house. I run in to see the two of our parents jump at the sudden door swinging open, "is Johnny older than me?!" I see Johnny stumbling in the door behind me. "yeah but only by like—two and a half minutes" they both say.

Johnny begins to laugh as if he were a 5-year-old. I roll my eyes when I see him stick his tongue out, I walk over to the couch and slump down into the cushion. When John calms down, he makes his way over and sits next to me. "anyways, Ann's are you okay?" Dad asks, "I'm still a little upset but Johnny helped me have a better understanding and perspective on this whole 'twin' thing, so I guess I'm okay" I smile up at Johnny as he pulls me into another side hug, our 'parents?' smile at us in awe. I say, 'parents' because I'm still unsure as to what Johnny's mom is to me.

"mom, where's your—uh, 'husband' at?" Johnny narrows his eyes towards her in an annoyed way. I'm assuming Johnny doesn't have a good relationship with his step-dad considering the way he asked & looks. I glance over to her—seeing as she nervously bites her bottom lip, "Johnny, we broke it off after you moved out" she carefully replied, causing Johnny's face to soften.

We let's go of me and walks over to her, giving her a comforting hug, "I'm sorry, mom" "it's okay Johnny—I was actually the one who suggested it" John looks back towards her, with a confused expression on his face. "wait really? I thought you really loved him though?" "well, I did but after a while—I knew he wasn't the one. especially since you didn't have a good relationship with him" Johnny nods and walks back to the empty spot next to me.

we all sat in awkward silence for a while before I spoke up again, "um dad?" everyone turns their head towards me as dad smiles in a questioning way. "I'm sure Johnny is wondering the same but, what do we refer to you two as? because, I obviously grew up with you as my dad but now that I have my—um mom in my life, what now?" they both look at each other and then turn back to Johnny & I. "we kind of figured that one of you would ask this, so what we've decided was that—we know it's going to be a weird & scary transition, so whenever you're comfortable with the idea of calling us mom & dad—you can" dad nods and continues after, "yeah so, you guys can take your time and don't worry because we're not rushing you guys any time soon" Johnny & I nod while smiling in agreement.

"When we go back home, am I still going to be living in the apartment or is that gonna change too?" Johnny asks, "Actually, after the summer, I was planning on maybe moving down to California so I can be closer to you all. plus, it's not like I have much left here—I only moved here because of your stepdad"

"so, if you do—are you moving in with me?" Johnny asks, "I haven't decided yet but we were debating on you & I possibly moving in with them" she motions between my dad & me.

"wait, i'm sorry—did you just say, you're planning on moving in with us?" I ask in disbelief, "Annie, i'm-" I begin to cut my dad off and say "you're what? are you guys together again, or something? is she who you've been texting all this time?"


authors note:
hii, this was a short chapter but i hope y'all liked itt—i wish i had johnny as my twin brother:(
but omg, I GOTTA PUPPY TODAYY- but yeah I just had to tell you all...
anyways love you guys and have a good
day/night, stay safe<3

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