Chapter 13 Tears And Hugs

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While they were falling, Jeff punched the man in the stomach releasing him from his grasp, when they finally fell in the ground, he started to reload the gun, Jeff managed to grab it before it shot him, he wasn't as strong as he was, the missing hand gave him a hard time to stand on his feet after a punch in the face. 

The man then said with fear in his voice but with anger boiling above it:

-You bastard..... You are going to pay for what you have done to me all these years ago Jeff!
-... Do I know you? I think you look familiar....
- So you don't remember me anymore.... As expected....
- But... You know me.... I think I'm quite popular these days...
- Very funny..... Now you will die!

The man got a pocket knife and charged at Jeff, he easily dodged it, clearly, his enemy didn't have experience with melee weapons. He only would use his gun, Jeff uppercut him in the jaw, but he got cocky and Jeff got stabbed in the liver. Jeff struggled to get the knife out as the man got his gun out and pointed at him, Jeff got the knife but got shot in the leg. He clearly wanted Jeff to suffer, but he couldn't think of anybody with this much hatred. He got on top of him and put some knuckles on his hand and started to punch him. Saying names after each punch, Ben, Jack, Matt, Margaret... Liu.... Jeff got him by the neck and head but him sending him backwards, Jeff grabbed him by the hand and pull him closer giving him the knee in the stomach and then the mouth. Jeff pinned him in the wall and said:

- How do you know these names.....
- You killed them..... All of them..... And me....!

The man grabbed Jeff and flipped him over, then he pointed the gun at his face but Jeff got his face to the right and dodged it and punched him in the nuts. Then Jeff got the gun and hit him in the head. Making him bleed from his cranium... The man started crying and said:

- You fuck.... You have no feelings..... When I kill I cry over it.... You simply don't have any emotion... Just like then....

Jeff knew that voice... That attitude... 

-..... You....
- Come on! Finish me! I will go to see my parents again.... And my.... Brother.... My real brother.....

Then it hit like a bullet! Jeff knew..... He charged at him, then closed his eyes... But he didn't kill him... He hugged him.... 

-... Liu.... I missed you so much.... 
-...... Jeff......

At that moment, Sully and Liu had become one. His two personalities have now become one, he is back to his senses, they continued hugging and crying until the others found them. They were fairly confused, Jeff explained and Liu said:

- Jeff.... Now what?
- Guys.... Liu.... We are going to save the world!

(A quite small chapter I know)

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