Chapter 9 Slenderman And Zalgo

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While Jeff was crying he noticed blood and clothes all over the destroyed place, he started to panic even more at the thought that everybody died, he saw blonde hair, pieces of glass from Clockwork's eye. He got up and started to scream their names, trying to find them with no response. He turned around and looked at the girl, knowing she had the most power to defeat Zalgo. He asked:

- Hey you, can you fight?
- Not pretty well...
- Well, I will teach you. If we are going to defeat him, we are going to need everything we got. Now let's go.

Meanwhile at a pitch-black cave, Ben, Sally, Ani and Clockwork hiding in the dark. Clockwork still crying and saying Tony's name over and over, everyone trying to calm her down.

- T.... Toby....
- Calm down Clockwork.... Everything is going to be okay... Said Ben.
- What do you mean calm down?!?!.... I lost the...... only person who truly.... loved me for once in my life....
- Mr.Ben? Is Toby really...

Then Ani said:

- These past 5 days are awful... First Jeff and now.... Toby...
- How can you be so calm?! You lost two of your friends!! Say something!
- Do you..... even.... care?!?!

That yell shocked everyone, Ben got a tear in his eye, out of blood.

- I care about all of you!!!! And I wanted to be was a great leader too!! But I.... FAILED!!!

Ani looked at him, shocked. She walked away and didn't say a word at each other for the rest of the day, they all slept inside the cold cave, hiding from an enemy they couldn't win against.

Ben couldn't sleep, she was right. First Jeff and now Toby, if they die, what is he going to do. He needed to protect them, he HAS to protect them. His only friends, since the ones in his childhood, are dead.

Meanwhile, Jeff left Tim and Toby sleeping while he took the girl outside, he said:

- What's your name little girl?
- Lu... Lulu...
- Well, Lulu, that Zalgo guy, do you know what he is?
- Yes... Better than anyone....
- Than anyone?
- He is the one who made... me..... like this... He was the man who attacked me earlier, when you showed up, he got Jack and teleported him and quickly returned. Now I can't... go home... I am cursed to say 15 and my parents wonder around trying to find me.. I can't go..... back....
- If you had somewhere to return, would you go?
-....... No......
- Why?
- Because of what I look like.... What I did.... Even if there was someone who would welcome me back, I don't think I would have the guts to say.... Anyways, let's start our training.... I think you know how to kill, but you only aim for the eyes, you have to be more fatal. Let's take this rock for an example, strong but breakable, where would you aim?
-.... The eyes?
- Jesus...

They eventually slept together in the cave, Jeff watching over her so Zalgo won't approach her. But Zalgo was looking from her eyes, he knew where they are, now he only has to choose his next move. But he didn't want to do anything, even if they got together, they wouldn't be enough to beat him.

The next day, Ben was not in the cave, they all got looking for him. They stepped across a letter left by him, saying he would go to fight Zalgo alone and not put them in danger he would revenge Toby and Jeff, he could do it said. They tried desperately to find him, especially Ani.

As Ben walked he was thinking about Zalgo and how he could defeat him, but he soon got across Slenderman again. He said:

-.. Good grief... Can we take a break already?!
- Relax Ben, I am not here to fight. You can't defeat Zalgo alone, you need my help.
- You killed my friend, do you expect me to forgive you?!
-.... I am sorry... I.... I was... Blinded! By the grief of losing my proxies to Zalgo, they are my family Ben, you were going to be killed anyway by Zalgo!
- No you are wrong! We all could do it together, but you... You just hunted us...
-.... But we can fix it.... Together...

Ben rejected the hand of the Slenderman, he wasn't his friend, nor his family. Just a tool to be used, he thought. It started to rain, as he walked closer to the red clouds, just some mountains and they will be there. Jeff was close too, thinking about his maybe fallen friends, he has to end this, right here, right now.

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