Chapter 12 The Woods Brothers

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As the night continued, Jeff began feeling the pain on his mouth ones again. He couldn't sleep because of it, so he got out to make up his mind, but then he noticed that Lulu was missing. He immediately started to look around, nothing but then he heard screams that woke everyone up. He asked Tim to cover the others, he was going alone. He runs to the direction of the screams, meanwhile, Lulu was once again grabbed by the neck put in a tree, the man had returned, Zalgo had returned.

He said to her:

- Oh, look who it is... Lulu... Have you told Jeffrey about us?
- Let me go!!
- I wonder.... Would you like your eyes returned?

Suddenly a wood pierced through the hand of Zalgo, then a scream was heard:

- ZALGOOO!!!!!
- Jeff?!
- The immigrant is right on time....
- Get your filthy fucking hands, off Lulu!!!
- Hello Jeff... Do you really want to fight me?

Jeff immediately charged at him, he still had one hand, he couldn't fight with him. Zalgo immediately punched him, sending him flying through a tree, when he got up, he saw fear himself standing in front of him. He froze, then Zalgo said:

- Well... Do you want to continue?
-........ Fuck you Zalgo!
- Well if I said to you that your friends are going to die by Jack this moment we are talking would you believe?
- Do you think I believe your bullshit?
- No... But you have two options... Fight me..... Or take Lucille inside....
- Why did you call her Lucille?
- Haha.... It turns out the mindless psychopath does have a heart after all!

Then Zalgo got Jeff to fear once more and then disappeared. Jeff got to Lulu up his arms and said:

- I froze, I'm a terrible teacher.... I swear.... Next time Zalgo... I am going to gut you....

Jeff helped Lulu back at the camp with everybody shocked at the scene. Jeff got to her:

- Why did.... He call you Lucille?
-.... I....
- What else aren't you going to tell us?
- Jeff, calm down!
- Lulu!
- My name isn't Lulu!!

She then got to the edge of the cliff and sat there crying. Jeff got there after 10 minutes of silence. When he got close, she covered her eyes:

-..... Lul.... Lucille.... Sorry for later..... I was just angry....
-...... Jack.....
- Jack? The guy who Zalgo mentioned?
- He is possessed..... He killed your friend....
-... We are going to get him.... I will not kill him... For you...
-.... No... He is gone..... He can't be brought back....

Lucille started to fade, she was tired and she pardoned Jeff to sleep next to him. Jeff watched her sleep, then he noticed she was feeling cold, he got his hoodie off and covered her with it. It was difficult with one hand but he managed to pull through. He then stared at the moon and said:

- Whatever happens.... I will not let them kill you.... Over my dead body...

He said with pride as he slept in the hard ground.

Meanwhile, at the mansion everyone was sleeping, then a sound of an explosion was heard, it blew the kitchen making everyone to wake up in shock. Then another part of the mansion blew up, they all got outside, when they split off eventually, Slenderman was trapped in his own mind and couldn't fight. They all eventually would be heavenly injured and captured, all expect Ben. They would be kidnapped by that Jack, Ben would fall unconscious after his serious injuries. Slenderman would fall unconscious too after Zalgo nearly tore his mind apart.

When they woke up, Ben was very angry. He said:

- Not again! You fucker!!!
- I am..... Sorry....
- This was the cherry on the cake! I swear if they kill them..... No.... We are going to counter-attack!
- Let's go! I know where he brought them!

As Slenderman stared at the house.. He and Ben got in the woods, hunting for Jack.

Jeff woke up, having his hoodie on top of Lulu, he started to wake up everybody. They need to find the others and fight Zalgo together.

They walked for hours, the grass was getting grey and the sky even redder.

As Jeff and the others calmly walked, Sally asked him:

- Excuse me.... Do you have a family waiting for you?
- Oh sorry! Didn't want to make you upset!
- No it's okay.... Why are you asking me this?
- I can't go back to my family, so I thought that if your parents are like us then we could meet them.
-..... No..... They are dead.
-.... Sorry for asking you......
- No, it's alright.

As they continued Jeff thought back at his family, there is no way that anyone was alive. They all continued silently, Jeff heard sounds coming from the bushes, he alerted everyone they all got to their fighting stance and stayed together. The steps started to slow down eventually a figure appeared. He wore a black scarf, had stitches at his face and looked beat up, he carried a gun that was clearly empty. He looked tired, as Jeff looked at him, he saw the wounds at his liver and neck, blood was falling all over the place, he whispered something like.... Go away. He then fell to the ground losing his consciousness, then a second figure appeared being him, a woman. Jeff's eyes widen, this woman was Jane. When he was dying he saw her die as well from Ani, how is she here? She was injured too and fell into the ground. She had the same wounds as the man. Jeff immediately cached her as she fell with her seeing him and saying his name. Then they all got them up and healed them, they continued walking while carrying them. Jeff felt something about the guy with the scarf like he knew him from somewhere, he got the same feeling with Ben and hoodie. He felt like he knew these people.

Jane woke up, they had stopped and Jeff was holding her. Jane got up seemed confused. She had somewhat forgiven him, she said something about a man with a blue mask that had captured some other people, she also mentioned someone with the fear by his side who made them explode from the inside basically. The man that was with here knew her, he said something about his brother and how he hated him. But other times he said he had forgiven him, he had two personalities or something. He fought hard beside her, she had survived by the summon of her soul from Ani. When Jeff looked at the man he had disappeared, he looked around but from out of nowhere he grabbed him by the neck and pointed the gun to his head. All the others where shocked as the man took Jeff further till they both tripped and fell from a cliff.

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