Chapter 13: Start Over

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Your POV

Yui helped you all get enrolled in her school, though it was quite bizarre for someone to transfer during the middle of the school year, the school didn't mind. Coincidentally enough, they put you all in the same class as Yui which was quite suspicious but you just shrugged it off. Currently, all 9 of you gods were standing in the deserted hall while waiting for the teacher to give a signal which will tell you all to come in. After a while, she gestured for you all to come in which you all did. "Please do introduce yourselves to the class," the teacher told us. Introducing yourselves one by one, it was now your turn. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N), 17 years old. Nice to meet you," you noticed a specific student's head perk up when you mentioned your name but you ignored it. Once the teacher finished assigning you all to your respective seats, she started her lesson. After a few hours of lecture, it was finally lunch time. Students circled you and the other gods' desks, asking you all questions which was quite tiring to respond to.

"(L/N)-san, why are your eyes like that?" A student asked which made you turn silent. You weren't exactly born with mismatched eyes, it was the result of your emotion's embodiment but you can't tell them that, thankfully, you have read enough books to explain about your eyes. "I'm not sure if you all have learned it already but my eyes' condition is called Heterochromia. It's a genetic mutation that typically takes place during the embryonic stage," you spoke as they looked at you with amazement. Once you have finished, you were flooded with compliments which tired you even more since you decided to become humble. You couldn't take it anymore, you stood up and made way for the door after excusing yourself to go outside and get some fresh air. "Ah, (Y/N), can I accompany you?" You heard Tsukito's voice as he looked at you while passing by his seat. You nodded and waited for him outside the classroom. After a few seconds, he walked out of the door but didn't seem to notice you leaning at the wall which made a random thought come to your mind. Silently walking behind him, you stood at your tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "Tsukito~" He snapped his head to your direction and once you two made eye contact, you finally realized your actions which caused your face to turn as red as a tomato.

"A-Ah..." Tsukito cleared his throat. "(Y/N), you were right there," Tsukito spoke. His face wasn't as red as yours but his ears was, you noticed this but only kept it to yourself. You giggled before walking in a random direction. He walked beside you before asking, "Where do you plan on going?" You didn't really have any specific place in mind, you were just walking where your feet took you so you just shrugged. "I don't know where I'm going also but I don't really care," you replied which made him chuckle, you looked at him curiously. "Why are you laughing?" He had a small smile in his face which made your heart thump a bit.

This feeling... what's it called again?

"When I'm with you, it's like I'm breathing fresh air while everything else is on fire," he answered which only confused you. Tsukito noticed the confused look in your face, he ruffled your hair and spoke, "Don't think about it too much. It's nothing." You nodded and looked back in front of you. You found yourselves walking near the school's baseball field. There were students practicing and you watched them as you walked. "I wonder, is there a music room in this school?" Tsukito asked which made you think, seconds later, you spoke, "I wish there was! I kinda want to play a piece or two for you." You winked playfully which made him raise an eyebrow before pinching your cheeks. You didn't wince in pain since you don't even feel it but you pinched his cheeks too. "Is this... Is this the start of a romance between you two?!" A voice suddenly exclaimed and you two saw Mizuko who was floating behind you with a dreaming face.

"A start of what?" You asked which she just dismissed and said, "Nothing~! Nevermind!" You raised a brow and looked at Tsukito, he only shrugged as you two continued on walking. As the air gently swayed your hair side to side, comfortable silence enveloped you two as you ventured around the school. You checked the time by looking at the pocket watch you found inside a box when you came back to your house. It was gold all over with blue and silver linings that made it look like the night sky. "That's a nice pocket watch you got there," Tsukito spoke and you nodded, "I found it inside a box when I went back to my house. There was a necklace that came along with it but I don't have it with me, I left it and only took this." You placed the pocket watch back inside the pocket of your blazer and turned to Tsukito. "We should head back, next period is about to start," you spoke and he nodded, both of you walked back to class.

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