Chapter 5: The Darkness Escaping

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Your POV

You looked outside the window, lost in your own thoughts. You didn't even heard the bell ring signaling class is over for today. You snapped back to your senses when Apollon suddenly said, "It's over!! Class is over for today."  Tsukito nodded and added, "It's time for club activities now."

"You're right Tsuki-Tsuki. Let's do our best today!" Apollon happily replied with a bright smile. You wonder why he always manages to be happy. "Time for the going home club," Loki announced as he stood up. Following Loki, Thor nodded and replied, "I'll go with you."

"The guys in the going home club are really into their club activities. We must learn from them," Tsukito commented. "I don't think that's quite right" Yui mumbled and in the corner of your eyes, you saw Takeru stand up. "Takeru-san, have you chosen a club?" Balder asked.

"Huh? I'm not joining a club" He replied, Apollon shook his head in disapproval and told, "As the Student Council President, let me tell you something. You should give something a try." You then wondered if Apollon's personality had something to do with his powers. 

You stood up and was about to leave when Kusanagi called you. "(L/N)-san! How is the Music Club?" She asked with a smile. You looked at her before looking at the ground. "...It's doing well..." After answering her question, you proceeded to leave the classroom.

Making your way to the music room, you were once again lost in your own thoughts. Without even a single strand of awareness, you bumped into a wall which made you fall on your butt. Different images popped up and you heard a male child's voice say, "I'll play the piano and you play the piano! Promise me that we'll play on stage together, okay?"

Everything suddenly reverted back to normal after the voice disappeared. You felt liquid sliding down your cheeks. You wiped it off but the more you wipe it, more of it fall down. Calming yourself, you stood up and wiped it off once again. Luckily, no more of those liquid fell down.

You continued walking towards your destination forgetting everything that just happened and ignoring the feeling like a part of you was missing. Upon arriving, you immediately picked up the violin. It was like you were being controlled by something. Positioning the bow, you started playing.

The violin piece was a fast paced one. It was a perfect match for your racing heart that felt like exploding. In a span of at most 3 minutes, the piece came to an end. Sweat trickled down your neck as you breathed heavily. You felt like you were in the brink of insanity. Not that you weren't insane from the beginning, this time it felt like it was intensifying.

2 days have passed and you always played the same instrument and piece, getting faster and faster than the original piece. After hitting the last note, you suddenly felt like you were under a spell. Slowly placing the violin down, you made way outside towards the direction of the forest. Droplets of water started falling and before you knew it, it was raining heavily. Without stopping, you continued your way deep into the forest.

The further you go in, the louder the voice gets. It keeps telling you to end yourself, to just push yourself to your limit and go insane already, you couldn't take it anymore. Your eyes were dull. It's not noticeable but it feels like all the life in it is gone and you were nothing more but a doll that's disposable.

You halted when you suddenly heard distant shouting. You were unsure since the sound of the river muffled it but you think it was from Takeru, the Sea God. When you were about to follow it, suddenly a bright blue light shone which hurt your eyes, taking a wrong step, you fell into the deep gushing river.

You couldn't move, something was preventing you from moving. You felt as if hands were on your neck which restrained you from moving and breathing. Images flashed furiously and a woman's voice said, "So imperfect! You deserve to drown as punishment!"

You felt genuinely scared. The fear of dying was starting to kick in and you suddenly started moving your body wildly. Without noticing that your circlet that restrained your powers was broken you stood on the ground with a dull face. You were in your God clothes but you didn't notice. You only felt empty.

Your ears were more sensitive now, even the simple sound of the rain falling felt so loud which made you cover your ears as liquid once again streamed down your eyes. "Make it stop... please... Stop... Make it stop!"

You continued mumbling the same phrase over and over. "Susanoo, Totsuka Takeru. (L/N) (Y/N)," the voice rang through your head and you knew it was from Zeus. With a single blink, you were now floating in midair. You were still clutching the side of your head.

"You have destroyed the shackles placed upon you and used divine powers. This is a serious offense." He said then the shackles of Takeru and yours came back, making you powerless yet again. You then found yourself inside a golden cage and the voices have now dissipated away.

"What do you think you're doing?! Let me out!" Takeru yelled. Your eyes met Zeus and he looked very serious. With an angry voice, he said, "Unable to control your own emotions, you destroyed a part of this garden! You will be suspended until you repent and acknowledge your transgression."

"Suspended? No!" Yui exclaimed. You knew nothing will get through Zeus. He was a very stubborn God that holds on to his beliefs, though you can change his mind if you convince him enough. Suddenly, the other gods arrived from who knows where. "Fairy!! What's wrong?" Apollon asked Kusanagi as he appeared with the other gods.

...What's a fairy?

"Apollon-san! Takeru-san and (L/N)-san is in trouble! When I fell from a cliff he tried to save me and broke his shackle and used his powers! (L/N)-san... I'm not sure what happened but maybe something triggered her which broke her shackles," Kusanagi explained.

"Totsuka Takeru and (L/N) (Y/N), if you do not repent, you two will be expelled. As a special exception, I will let the others graduate without you two," Zeus spoke firmly which shocked the others. "Really? Then we could flunk out and go home if we go back to being gods? I guess I could try that." Loki commented. How disappointingly dumb of him to think Zeus will let us go that easily.

"Fool. Who said they're going home? Those who are expelled will spend the whole eternity as statues here!" Zeus glared as he spoke which evidently shocked the Fire God.

"Bastard! You can't just go and say anything you want!" Takeru shouted and suddenly, the cages disappeared and he fell to the floor with a thud while you gracefully landed on your feet.

"Take-Take! (Nickname)-chan!" Apollon then ran up to us. "That is all," Zeus said before he left. You sighed as you remained standing.

Yui's POV

(L/N)-san sighed but she doesn't really look like she cares at all. It worries me that I don't know how to defend (L/N)-san since I don't know what happened that caused her to break her shackles. Will it be okay if I ask her what happened...?

Back to Your POV

You felt someone tap your shoulder gently and you looked back to see the human with a worried face. "(L/N)-san... Can you please tell me what happened that made you break your shackles?" She asked hesitantly.

"...It's nothing. I was in the forest when a light shone and I broke my shackle because I thought it was an attack." You lied, of course. How typical of you to do that. "Now, excuse me but I'll be on my way to my dorm."

And just like that, you left and headed to Zeus' throne room. You opened the door and entered. You could see Zeus sitting on his throne all high and mighty. You bowed down to him and said, "I'm sorry for breaking my shackles. I have thought of what I did and I'm repenting for it."

"You are forgiven." You nodded and was about to leave but Zeus stopped you by saying, "I know what truly happened." You stood there silent as you looked at the ground. "What was it? That thing that tried so hard to drown me?" You asked as you looked at Zeus dead in the eye.

"... It was you."

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