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Chapter 17
Nyxs POV

Now that I'm on the ground I stare at the dead body of the nymph one last time before I speed away from their territory, even though that's against the nature of this forest.

I think I knew the answer to my rhetoric question before I even uttered it, I'd rather face one vampire whom I know I have a chance in pursuing not to murder me than go back to the creature whose last words sounded like a curse.

My mate sounds vulgar coming out of my mouth, I'm sure Emma would laugh at me with tears at the corner of her eyes struggling to utter, "You have a mate sister? Unbelievable." The unbelievable said to wry me and I know it was going to work... Emma loves werewolves just because we get mates, maybe that's why the goddess paired her with one, I don't understand why a female since she always ogled men but I guess that's beyond me. I genuinely do not even want to think about her relationship with Corinne, so I focus on mine.

As for me, I've never wanted one to begin with but a chosen one doesn't sound so bad, I loved him with no mate bond pushing me to seek his closure and presence, everything was natural. Well it is true you don't always get what you want.

With a sigh I retrace my footsteps back, making sure I avoid an open area where it will be easy for me to be spotted. Who knew that following simple directions from a map would have me walking back and forth? At this point I'm only half way to my destination yet I'm already facing unexpected obstacles like the sudden appearance of my mate. Thinking about what else is waiting for me makes me cringe, the farther you go the more dangerous it becomes... Since I'm walking back the air is less foggier and the visibility here is clearer. I catch a whiff of blood on the air, my stubborn wolf can't help but grow worried as she thinks of our mate's wellbeing. I discard that thought, he is the sole reason I'm in this place after all.

The path becomes familiar as I walk because I notice my previous markings, I can conclude that I'm going in the right direction. Luckily for me there was no one there except the killed wolves lying cold on the floor. Dean's dead body makes my blood run cold, the thought of him crashing his lips on mine repulsing me even more, I wish I had killed him myself. It would have been a bad mateship if I was paired with him after the death of his mate, I was not created to save someone from themselves and their thoughts. I can't even save myself, how I did it with Kai is a miracle but I'm glad he's alive. Goddess knows how much he helped keep me sane throughout the years I've known him.

"Thought you outran me love?" I shriek at the sound of a male voice which makes my eardrums buzz and butterflies threaten to erupt in my stomach. Closing my eyes I calm myself, no, I tell my animals and I that we are on a mission here, a mission they never agreed to, yes, but I need them to comply to my needs. "I need you to stay away from me." I warn him once he has moved closer to me at my right side, standing taller than me and I couldn't help but look up at him.

Damn his eyes.

"It doesn't matter what you want, the only thing that I care about right now, and forever, is keeping you out of harms way. Wether you like it or not this has become our journey now, you have no choice but to deal with it. Take it as a 'consequence for not heeding my words when I told you to turn back'." I hear him say, despite feeling a sudden rush of appreciation spread within me from how he wants to protect me I snarl at him with an eye roll. His eyes in turn change colour between red and his original ones. "I don't need your help! I don't need you!" At the end of my statement I wonder to myself, who am I telling this to, is it myself or him? As if he can read my mind a small smile plays on his dark beardy face and I see his pearly fangs, he levels his mouth with my ear then whispers, "I don't remember asking you that, and like I said before it doesn't matter what you want. I told you this before, if you want me to stay away from you stay in your pack where I have no permission to enter!"

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