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Nyx's pov
Chapter 33

Unlike the other days I fainted this time I was only out for two hours yet by the time I got up I was elsewhere. This room I'm in has pictures of Tilia in her younger age, some dressed exquisitely and some, well, magic. I managed to find myself entranced by the images of her in her original body where she reminds me so much of my mother. I suddenly developed the urge to ask her of what happened concerning her physique. But I brushed the feeling off just as quickly as it came.

Deciding it is much better to let things be...

Tilia hands me some boiled tea, the cup burns my palms as soon as it settles on my hold and the steam warms my face as it rises up. My index circles the top of the cup, my heart beating fast and my memory does me no justice on taking me back to the forest. To endure that felt horrible, I could not help but shudder as the familiar pain returns faintly. I bring the blanket that was around me closer, the warmth reminding me of the safety comfort I am around. "It's zerbadas. It helps with poison ingestion..." I take it, muttering a low 'thank you.' I take a sip, regretting it the moment it hits my taste buds due to the vile taste. I almost wanted to spit it out in disgust, my buds finding it repulsive. "Down all of it." She orders me with a voiced motherly tone but all I heard was "you better drink that or else," so I did as told, the thought of spitting it out once again returned to mind whenever I sipped it but I thought twice about it and decided against it. She is focused on my wandering self as I take in the memories and treasures within the room. I'm quite sure if humans were to scout this particular room they'd make millions to last a lifetime.

"You probably shouldn't touch that." Soon as I hear the words i place down sculpture I am now admiring. My prying was to serve as a distraction from my own thoughts, lately I am feeling too much right this. Not just toward my mateship, but when I think of my pairing my mind wanders to this dark yet mesmerising place and it taunts me because when it comes it steals all my attention berating me and sometimes the feeling leaves me gloomy. But the relief of finally being here is unmatched. Prior to when Kai was with me this is the only time I slept at ease without wondering wether someone would kill me in my sleep or kidnap me for various reasons my mind conjures every second. I am relieved to be here, although wounded and mentally exhausted, I am grateful. Now I must serve my purpose.

If I prolong my visit here chances of me never switching back to human/siren are severely high. Not difficult per se, only that I would feel much more pain than I usually do when I shift to my beast, and that would apply to both my creatures. I hadn't quite gotten fond to the highlighted point that I'm only human because I have legs, other than that I am siren by blood and everything else. I had never been confused about my identity before but now that it's piling up with the stress at hand, I'm even more irritated. Such revelations are why I hardly spend time with my mother. She lies, deceives and uses you to her will. Growing up I should have stayed more with her than I did with father because not only do I have her beast which is hard to control but I also have some siren trace on me which I frankly need to work on. Well I should've joined her and Emma I meant to say. "What are you worrying about? You know when we were younger your mother would sing a song for me, or when I would get sick she'd be first at my aid." She speaks with a radiant smile on her face as she reminisces about their past life. I give her my back, feeling the overwhelming need to ask her "What was she like?"

"Oh, she was wild." I hear her respond to my silent question which makes me feel a tad embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. My mind has been straying quite a lot nowadays."

"It's all right... But your mother, she was rebellious, and she wanted to be free spirited in a world where women weren't even acknowledged. Or appreciated. She, made a name for herself as the one that never bent." I sip on my tea, hearing her talk continuously as she gives me a tour around large the room.

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