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Nyx's POV

"Mine," The alpha sneered at my given mate with fury dancing in his perilous yellow eyes in mid shift, "Amara run!" Those were the last words the alpha uttered, words which were a warning to me even though there was really no danger besides him and his warriors. The prince wasted no time in removing his beating heart from its left chamber, he did it faster than I could shout no, filling my entire body with a feeling I can't explain, not anger and certainly not fear...

Something deeper than that.

Once the world started moving on its axis again I forced my gaze towards him baffled and now seething, "What the fuck!?" I scream in two voices at once which seemed to startle him. While my wolf was mute, ecstatic that our mate came into "our rescue" my beast and I are boiling in rage. He was our prey, she pined to have her sharp teeth on his neck Howe the human in me was boiling because he's here! Only the mere fact that he is in front of us is triggering me!

He didn't respond to me instead he shot a livid glare my way at the same time maintaining a nonchalant posture. Oh, I was fuming at what he did!

Although we are now two, I sincerely hope he is on my side, I still don't believe we will be able to take them all together... I don't know the limit to the strength of a berserk being but I'm wise enough not to look down on it.

It became silent around us, the only sounds were from our hearts, leveled beats. Looking towards Dean's pack warriors I notice that they're all gawking down at his fallen body with a scowl on their animalistic faces as if staring at his soul leaving the body in an amble. Other than the scowls they have on their faces they hold no other salient emotion, despite that the one they are portraying marvels me. Nevertheless I was ready to run from them before the shift in their head flips and they consider me a foe, a prey, now that my false mate and leader has been killed since I'm nothing to them. "Before you even think of doing something immature you should know that at this part of the world if an alpha or a leader dies anywhere but in battle he is considered weak. So if you're thinking that perhaps those dogs here," I sneer at him at the disrespect towards my kind, berserk or not we are one. "-are going to avenge him then you're wrong. He was weak, hence he died so easily..." My body relaxes a bit from his words and a nod was all I could give. But I am still in danger, thus the werewolves started advancing towards us with their yellow teeth bared, sharp canines promising malicious death. The strength they emanated showed just how strong they are, and I notice that they are from different ranks. "But they will try to kill us, we are dinner aren't we?" I was not quite ready to fight them, much less shift to my wolf since I packed only a few clothes so I did what I seem to be be doing best lately, I braved myself to run off to the opposite direction. Before I could leave my mate's sight another vampire appeared in my line of vision blocking my way. My chest rumbled with a warning sound towards him, he was still hidden so I couldn't make out his face but my guess is the vampire man that tried to have me never left, he was lurking in the shadows. "Move!" I said with authority reeking off my voice impatiently. The face of the person was still a mystery to me. Since he was adamant in not moving I decide to try a different approach by passing him but he held me by my hand stopping me, the physical contact making me angry. His hand had my hair around it but he wasn't pulling hard so I took the control he thought he had on me and held the man by his neck throwing him towards the tree away from us. He landed with an oof and in that moment I heard paws hitting the floor making me get in motion. This time there was no voice to guide me, thankfully, which made it easy for me to concentrate on my surroundings.

The trees. Ah I spoke too soon, I thought as the voice spoke to me again. All there was in front of me were trees, bushes and fallen logs which disturbingly all looked alike, making it harder for me to precisely know which direction I'm running towards, wether or not I'm running in circles. But I told myself to not worry about directions for now, survival instincts I guess. I heard eight paws running behind me making me pick up my pace, werewolves love a chase, there is no way in nirvana these creatures will turn back without catching me. "Left." The voice interjected my thoughts and I complied, no thought of asking why because it was a chase for my life. When I followed the left turn I realized that it led to a stream by the sound of water flowing.

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