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Drew and I both had to prepare ourselves, and, with Jared, for our talk that we were having on Thursday. We must do an awesome talk to make people there realize that what we were saying was worth it. Parents were not going to be easy to convince at all, for that reason, we had to try really hard to get it. 

- Our last talk was great - started Drew -, a bad one wouldn't have convinced them. But, for the parents we need to change a bit, right Jared? - He inquired, looking at Jared in the eyes. 

- Sure, Drew - answered Jared -. Your talk was perfect, but the parents are different than the faculty you talked with. With the parents, the method you used, it can't be used anymore. What method can we use then, for them to accept? 

- Empathy - I intervened suddenly -, we need to use empathy. We have to make them feel sympathetic towards us, we need to make them feel that it's necessary, to make them feel what we want to in their own skin. What I mean is: Drew and I have to express ourselves more than ever, but, without seeming weak. 

- You got it, Anna - told me Jared -. 


It was already Thursday. We were in the school of that town, the school who had given us a chance to try. The school was called "the beginning in the end school", in the Southwest of Boulder. The name was curious, right? A new beginning was what we wanted, a beginning in what seemed to be the end. The parents were all assembled in a meeting room, and they were waiting for us to come. I could not even stay standing because of the nerves. I drank some water and said to myself: "you can do this".

Jared was wearing a black suit, and so was Drew. I was wearing a long blue dress. We wanted to give those parents a good first impression. And, even though I did not like that much, people cared so much about how other people looked like, so we had to look nice for them. 

As we crossed the door which was separating us from the parents and the faculty, we took a deep breath, and then we had to do our best in the chance of a lifetime. 

- Good morning, ladies and gentlemen - Jared started with a smile -. Today, these young adults are going to tell you how, with your help, we could make a change. 

- Hello, it's a pleasure to have you here, and I want to thank you all for coming - continued Drew with his lovely voice -. My name is Drew Welsh, she is Anna Filkins, and he is our manager, Jared Solem. I'm going to start by asking you something. I don't need you to answer, just think about my questions: have you ever thought that this world was unfair? Have you ever wanted to make a difference? Have you ever seen the news and thought "why is some people so mean?"? Have you ever wondered why you're here? Think for a while in my questions, especially the last one. Think about it, and, in the end, I'll question you the same. Now, it's the turn of Anna Filkins to talk.

- Thank you, Drew - I continued -. As he has said, my name is Anna Filkins, and I'm going to tell you how we can make a difference. We want to change a method that schools use. Students, they will have to keep studying, of course. Nevertheless, they will have to do good actions to pass. If they don't do good things in and out of school, they won't pass. We aren't asking them to jump in front of a car for someone; we are just saying small things, easy things, that can draw a smile in someone's face. And, doing much bad things, it will be bad for them, like an "F". Actually, it will be like a new subject, and if you don't pass it, you can't pass the year. Why do we want this method to be used in schools? Now, it's the turn of Jared. 

- Hello. As Anna has said - Jared started, with a serious face -, why do we want this? I'm only their manager. I didn't invent the idea, but I know about them, and I know why they want to do this, they told me so. It's a sad story, and, unfortunately, it could happen to any of your kids. Because, nowadays, it's happening to a lot of kids, and nobody seems to care about it. These teenagers' friend decided to take his own life - in that moment, the expression of the parents there turned into a very sad, concerned and serious one - because he couldn't stand the pain that caused him the bullying he was suffering every day, for a long time. You all have heard stories like this one, sadly. However, think, imagine for a second that, it's your kid the one who decides to make that terrible decision. I really hope that any of them does that, but imagine that. That would hurt, a lot, and you'd never be the same, right? - All the parents started looking at us with a sympathetic face, and, even one or two had teared up. 

They seemed to agree with what we were saying. I guessed that they were trying to imagine how that had been for us, and that they did not want that to happen to them. It all seemed to be working. 

- All we need is you - continued Drew after Jared had finished -, your help. What you have to do seems like a lot, but it's a small step. One person, as an individual, cannot change the world. But, together, we can built a brand new world. It all starts small, and it ends up... unbelievable. 

- Do you remember the question Drew asked you at the beginning of this meeting? - I said, to finish - Yes, that question. Have you ever wondered why you're here? I personally have wondered that so many times, and I think we all are here for a reason, for something. We all can make a difference, together, we can make this world a better place. Some people waste their chances, but we can take advantage of this chance. If you aren't going to do it for yourselves or us, do it for the future generations, for your own kids. We won't change the whole world, but, we'll change our world, your town, your kids, your neighborhood. Help us make a chance, it's only saying "yes", and we will do the rest by ourselves. 

After our long talk, it was time for the parents to vote. We were going to deliver papers with both options: whether accept or reject our project, our idea. It was going to be anonymous, so there was not going to be any trouble with identities and that stuff. We hoped that, after all we had said, they would accept. But it seemed too hard to have the majority of votes. 


The voting had just ended, and it was time for counting the votes. We were so nervous, and our faces expressed that. Jared seemed quiet, but Drew seemed very nervous, you could see it in his eyes. I was nervous as well, but I was trying to hide it from everyone. 

If we won, we could do it, we would to it. It was the time we were most nervous of it all, how not? I hoped that our talk had made them notice that we needed a change, and we could do it with their help. 

- We have counted the votes - the principal started -. A few people who aren't related to anyone here has done it, so don't worry, there isn't any cheating here. There are 297 votes in reject, and there are...  

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