This Is War

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We finally found the principal's office after searching a lot. He was all alone when he opened us the door after we had knocked it. He got surprised of seeing us there. 

- Drew Welsh! Anna Filkins! - He greeted us - Nice to see you both here. Sit down, sit down. How can I help you guys? 

- Hello sir - said Drew smiling -, it's nice to see you too. Anna and I wanted to talk to you about... some stuff we would like to share with you.

Drew caught the folder and put it on the table. The principal first looked at both of us, and then caught the folder and started reading. I was really nervous, and I gave Drew a look. He looked at me back and whispered that everything would be okay. This is what was there written: 

Dear Mr. Johnson: 

We are writing to talk to you about some idea we have been thinking about for the last weeks. The idea is this:

Like you might have probably noticed, this society is getting worse as time goes by. We want to do something about that, we want to make a change, something different, and we need someone to support us and help us. We thought that maybe you would like to take part of this. 

On the other hand, this "project" is about changing the methods that schools use to teach, the standard that lets a student pass. In our method, students have to study, of course, so pass. But they cannot pass if they are not good to people or nature, if they do bad things. They have to do a certain number of good "things" to pass. And then, when they are older, they would carry on doing that because that is what they are used to.

You are probably wondering how we can do that. Let us explain you: once a month, they students will go to an especial office, with a system that detects lies and truths, and they will tell if they have done or not good acts or bad ones. The good ones do not have to be really big, any small good act counts. If they do bad acts, it will not matter if the pass all the exams, they will fail. But if they do good acts, they will have another chance more of doing the exam again in case they do not pass the exams. 

Just to finish, we are just trying to make a change, a difference, to make this world a better place. Please, sir, help us, to make this true. If we start making people realize that they have to do good things in life, in some years, everyone will be doing good things for others, well, most people. Please, just think it; it could be the change this world needs. 

Your sincerely, 

Just a couple of kids who want to make a change. 

The principal was staring at the document we had given him. I did not know what was going on his mind in that moment. His face was not describable. Drew and I were looking at each other, really worried and nervous. I was scared; I wanted everything to work, and I was not sure if it was going to work. 

The principal was not talking; he was not even looking to us. I was trembling so hard, how not? In that moment, I wished that I could read minds and know what he was thinking. 

He put the document on the table, and stared at us; first at me, and then at Drew.

- Your idea is... - he began talking - so complicate.

I knew that I needed to change his mind, I knew that. Although it was not the right thing, I was going to cry in front of him. I was not right, I know. But, what would you have done? I was a person who did not find it very hard to cry. In some moments, that sucked. In that moment, it was great.

- But sir - I stared crying when I was talking -. We have to do this, we need you - tears were falling down my cheeks -. We've go to do this... for James. If we do this, he won't have died in vain. He would have wanted this world to change.

In that moment, I knew the principal started caring more, because he looked at both of us, like feeling sorry.

- Come on sir - continued Drew -. You know the reason why he died, and a lot of teenagers have died for the same reason, and there'll be more deaths if we don't change something. With this, everything will change. No more teenagers killing themselves because of bullying, don't you think that this idea is worth it?

In that moment, Drew started tearing up. My question was if we was doing it because he felt like crying or he was doing it intentionally. He was not a good actor though; he used to express things as he felt them.

The principal was wondering what to tell us, I could feel that. I was praying for a "yes, I'll help you", but I did not know what was going to happen.

- So... - started the principal - what you need is money, right?

- What we really need is sponsors - I answered -, to spread this in our town, or state, and make school try to do this. And if it works, spread this all over the world. 

- What you guys want is something really difficult...

- But sir, this isn't 1950; this world is connected by the Internet. It is easier to spread things all over the world. If one school does it, and it works, it isn't that hard. We just need one school to do it. 

- Okay guys. I will try to see how I can help you. But I don't think I can do much, but I'll try my best. Now, you both can leave. Can I take this?

He was handing the document we had showed him.

- Sure sir - I said, and I hugged him. Yes, I know it's kind of embarrassing, but that means a lot to me, even when he was just going to try, that was enough -. Thank you so much, you don't really know how much this means to us.

After that, we both left the office. We were so happy; you cannot even imagine how. At least he was going to try to help us! And we were hoping to make our dream true: to change the world. Maybe it was not going to work, but at least we would have tried. 

We were outside of the school. And, guess what? Our "best friends" were there. Why were Jack, Bryan, Bill, Andrew and Ethan always there? Could not they just do another thing but being there? And, just ot make it worse, they saw us. And they seemed to want fightint, great!

- Hey losers! - Said Andrew laughing so hard - What are you doing here?

- Not your deal, stupid dick! - Shouted Drew, angry with them.

- Wait, wait - intervened Ethan -. He isn't a dick, and you're no one to tell him who he is. You're trying to change people, right? That's what you said. You're not making your plan true, guess why? Because I don't fucking want to. 

Drew and I looked at each other. What exactly had he meant to say with that. It was strange and I had a bad feeling about it. If only I had known how right I was...

- Whatever we do is not your deal! - Said Drew, and Ethan's face was so angry, and what happened them, scared and surprised us more than any other thing that could have happened. 

Ethan put his hand into his bag, and took something from it. I did not know how the hell he had that there, but he had a pistol. And he was aiming Drew in his chest. We were speechless. I knew they were not good people, but, a gun!? I was so scared, and so was Drew. It was the scariest moment of my whole life. I had seen moments like that one, but in films! Those moments did not seem as scary as they really were. Drew put his hands on his head. 

- Please, Ethan - begged Drew -. You don't want to do this, you don't want to kill me. Please, I haven't done anything to you. I have friends, family, a life. You're a good person, please. 

Drew was crying, and so was I.

- You can beg me as much as you want - he was smiling -, but it means a fuck to me. Say goodbye to your beloved people.

- NOOOOO! - I screamed.

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