Almost Perfect World

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An almost perfect world; is that even possible? Or am I talking about something impossible? Most of you might be thinking that, yes, I'm talking about something impossible. Actually, I don't think I'm wrong when I say it can be possible.

A perfect world is impossible, I know. I don't believe in perfection, I don't think perfect things exist. I think if there were perfect people or things, life would be boring.

Anyway, maybe an almost perfect world isn't as impossible as it seems. Maybe we just have to figure out what is wrong and try to fix it. Maybe it isn't too late, not yet. Maybe there's an answer. Maybe that answer is right in front of us, but we are too blind to see it. What if I told you I really believe that it is possible? If everyone stood up and "fought" for what is right, for what is fair for all of us.

I have the belief that, if there is really an answer, a way to change this world, or how people think, it is in the young people. Because, whether people like it or not, we are the future. If we want to make a difference, we should start making it in young people.

The biggest problem is that money is what seems to be the most important thing to all of us. What happened to values? What happened to kindness? What happened to all of us? What have we turned to? This world... this world is growing colder and colder. It seems like, nowadays, nobody cares about the others, and why? If we carry on being like this, thinking like this... soon it will be too late to change it.

On the other hand, another problem is that people don't see doing good things as the normal thing we have to do. They all see it like it is something unusual. If there is a clear reason for it; I don't know.

I know about a lot of people that have made a difference. They haven't changed the world. But they have changed someone's world. Sometimes with a small act that seems insignificant can make a huge change is someone's life.

Now you all might be thinking I'm dead wrong, that what I am saying cannot be done. Nothing is impossible. Things can only be impossible if you say it is, if you make aware yourself that you cannot do something, you will not be able to do it. While we have dreams, things will always be possible. Where there is a person, there is a dream. Where there is a dream, there is a chance. Where there is a chance, there is a change. And, where there is a change, there is a better world.

This is what this story is about. It is about changing the world, making a difference.

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