Final Masquerade

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I had just woken up, and I was crying and sweating a lot. The nightmare had been terrible. I did not want to get up. What if I did not? What if I stayed there forever? It was not a bad idea after all. What if I lay on the floor? Stay there, lying, until I wanted to get up. I could do that, sure I could. But I could not give up, I had to keep on fighting to fulfill my purpose. I guessed that the nightmare had made me realize that I could not give up yet. I had reached the point of no return; there was no turning back. 

But I felt tired, so tired. I opened my window to breathe some pure air. Autumn was already here, and I hated that fact. 

It was very early, so I decided that I was going to leave home before I used to. I wanted to run for a while before going to high school. It is said that running is good to change your mood, and my mood was not a good one that day. I just felt like running, even though I did not love doing sport much. 


The classes had just finished, and I went home really exhausted. Yes, I had gone home running. I did that for the same reason that I had gone to school running. There was a lot of pressure upon my shoulders, too much for me. I barely ate at lunch, which got my mom worried for a while, again. I caught my computer as fast as I could, I had to. 

I wrote a few pages in a document with things we had to do in our "project", well, if it can be called that. 

I was in my room, quietly, when my mom called me. I should say shouted me. She told me that Drew was asking for me. 

I told her to tell him to enter in the house, and to come to my room. I was wondering which was the reason he had come when he appeared right in front of me.

- Hey - he was already in my room -, are you busy? Can we talk?

- Of course I'm not - I answered fast, and offered him a sit -. Is everything okay? 

- Yes, yes, everything's okay - he smiled at me -, I've just... written some ideas in sheets and thought you might like it to have a look at them. Also I was thinking that you could show me your ideas that you told me you had, and we can start writing them together, changing things and all that stuff. Do you fancy the idea? I'll admit I have a test tomorrow, but I'd be glad to spend the whole afternoon here with you. If you don't care, of course.

I smiled, so happy to hear that. 

- Of course I don't care. I mean, I love the idea! I'm so glad you want to spend with me the afternoon working in this. We have to make a change. And, I have a test tomorrow too, but, who cares? 

We both started laughing, and then we came back to work. 

I know I kind of sounded rebel, but, let's face that I was not doing something wrong. I was not in a party getting drunk and high, I was trying to make a change. 

We both started sharing what we got, and putting it all together. Drew and I had more or less the same number of pages written with ideas to work with, which was totally amazing. 

Drew was so excited with all that, I had never seen it so... ready to work in something giving his best no matter what. He was all the time saying things like "come on, we can do this!" and that stuff, even though he was not pretty sure that things could work out in the beginning. 

When I first thought of this project, I knew I could not tell it to anyone, but Drew. I knew Drew was going to support me and help me. And I was not wrong at all. You see, who was in my room and ready to fail an exam just to make this true? He was. 

Suddenly, out of the blue, an idea came to my mind, a really good one. It was kind of crazy though. But I thought it might be useful to us. I had to tell him. 

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