Chapter 5

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"So they basically just wanted to talk about Hades and your name?" Jay raised an eyebrow as he unpacked his numerous items out of his bag, tossing a laptop, at least 3 watches, some jewellery and whatever else onto his bed, "That's kinda weird. And Persephone told them about Hades? Wicked." 

I huffed, sprawled on Carlos's bed, shaking my head. "No, Jay! It's not wicked. It's annoying." I grumbled, glaring up at the ceiling. "You know what, I don't even know why I told you, you're no help." 

"Why did you think I would help?" Jay glances at me, clearly in disbelief. I rolled my eyes, motioning to the other 3 with an arm as if that explained everything. 

"Well, Carlos is playing a game so he wasn't listening. Mal's planning because she's focused on your task, and Evie...she keeps talking about Hunter." I said, and then pointed at him as he folded his arms, tilting his head, "so you're the only one that payed attention to my story." 

"I still think you shouldn't have been so horrid to Hunter." Evie said, shaking her head, "He'll never like you if you act like that, besides, he even told you his name twice, and then you lied to him."

I made a face, grabbing a pillow, tossing it her way. Childish and petty, but it seemed fitting. "Evie, Hunter is my cousin. Besides, he's the Legacy of Zeus. I can't go dating that even if I wanted to." I huffed, ignoring her comment about lying to him. I already said it was necessary for my task. I wasn't lying completely. "Hades would skin me alive if he thought I was dating or even had any kind of positive relationship with Hunter." 

"Well," Evie shrugged, checking her eyeliner in the little hand-mirror she brought with her. "I still think he's a worthy candidate. After all he's your age, he's a prince, and he's a god. A god!" 

"So am I. Besides, if you like him so much, you date him." I scoffed, knowing she wasn't listening, "arrogant little shits are your type right, Evie?" 

She huffed, shooting me a glare as if I was wrong, as the boys started screaming at the game they were playing. It honestly looked amusing and violent, but I didn't have the mental capacity to play a game while continuously updating the plan in my head and keep up this stupid 'civil' act I've put on for the four of them. 

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal snapped, gaining everyone's attention, but only marginally. Jay shrugged, continuing to play the game casually, 

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah." He stated with nonchalance, casually beating Carlos's high score as he did. I snickered a little, amused at how easily he brushed over their task like it wasn't the only reason we were actually here. Because in all honesty, I doubt we would all have turned up if our parents hadn't given us these tasks. 

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." There was a pause where we all looked to her, a lump forming in my throat realising she hit home. Everyone in the room went silent, listening now. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." She eyed us, meeting my gaze for a moment or two as I nodded at her. "Yeah?" 

"Yeah." They mumbled, each to their own timing while I merely nodded. We were all here, proving ourselves to our parents, that was one thing we could all unite on, even if I didn't want to. We all needed the wand. 

"Evie, mirror me." Mal motioned to the blue-haired beauty who grinned, handing Mal her small hand mirror. The four of them gathered together by the table while I glanced out the window. They were planning on going to find the Wand, and it seemed likely they would be able to get it by morning, so I had to start on my own side of it all. 

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I didn't even know how to approach getting the chance to talk to Persephone, not after she's told the school about how Hades is. Am I supposed to feel grateful about it? Protected? I didn't, if anything it made it all the more stressful. It helped with the plan, but it would no doubt irritate Hades that his lover had rejected him in such a way. 

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