Him and that sexy alpha voice

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Kami pov
I hear a knock on my door.

"Kaminari, are you coming?" Hitoshi , he's been in a coma for 2 days. I haven't been able to bring myself to see him. The squad has been making sure I'm still eating and showering, I'm gonna be honest if it wasn't for them I might've done the same thing he did, I figured I better go see him. Alive or dead. I get up from the floor and open the door.

"Yeah, give me a second." Mina smiles, she's happy to see me trying. I go and grab the sweatshirt I took from Hitoshis dorm, one of the only thing I have to remember him. I walk out of my dorm, closing the door behind me. "Let's go." She nods. I look up and see Bakugo and Kiri. I give a small sad smile. We start walking towards to room he's in. It's and extra dorm they use if a student has a baby. The hallway is empty, it holds a heavy haze.

We enter the room and I freeze. There's all the cords hooked up to him, a monitor telling us his heart rate, and a breathing tube. A sob racks my body, I didn't know it was this bad. Mina catches me as I stumble.

"Mina, I-i didnt know it was this bad." I can barely talk. He looks so far gone. I turn to the others. "Can you leave us alone for a minute?" Mina smiles sadly and nods. Bakugo and Kirishima leave without a word. I turn back to him.

"Why, Hitoshi why, I was so close." I move closer to him, sitting in the chair next to the bed and taking his hand. "Hitoshi we could've been together. You could've been my alpha and I was gonna be your omega. We could've gotten married and have kids, but I was to late." He starts to stir. "Hitoshi please come back, I-I need you. Please, everyone misses you, Mina, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero. Even Aizawa is in a bad mood. Just please Hitoshi. Please." I feel him grip my hand and my head shoots up. My other hand goes up to his jaw to grip.

"D-Denki?" His voice sounds weak and dry.

"Yeah, yeah it's me Toshi." I start to cry. "Oh god, please don't do that again I need you so much. Fuck Hitoshi I love you." He leans his head into my hand.

"I love you too Denki." Just then a nurse comes in.

"Excuse me but our monitor showed he woke up we came to ask him some questions and check up on him." I nod and sit back in the chair.

"Okay so Shinso, how do you feel?"

"Happy, mainly now. But tired, hungry, and thirsty physically." She nods.

"That's to be expected. But, your note we need to ask you some questions about that. Would you like your friend to leave the room?" There was a note?

"No, I'd rather him be there." She nods.

"So you said that your had some pretty severe bullying in your last class, and that you've self harmed for a while? Can i ask who the bullies were?" Hitoshis breath got heavier. I grab his wrist and start nuzzling into it to help him calm down.

"Uhh, yeah well they're all from class 1-B. Monoma, Tesutesu, Kendo, to be honestly the only ones that didn't were Yui, Ibara, and Juzo. They helped me after the found me bleeding on the ground." He seems nervous talking about it.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay. You'll be okay." I'm just trying to reassure him. "After this is over we can go back to the dorms, okay?" He nods. The nurse asks us a couple more questions and after she rules Shinso is fine, she says that he can go back to the dorms but only if he rests for a couple days.

"Do you have anymore who could help you or take care of you? You'll need them." The nurse states.

"Oh yeah. I have Denki, Mina, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero. I'll be set." The nurse nods and Shinsos reply.

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