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Shinso pov

My eyes flitter open, I feel someone next to me. Then all the events from last night come rushing back. The nightmare, Denki being caring, him building a nest for his "pup", him making sure I'm not injured. I know i have a crush on him, but I can't let it get far, it can't end up like last time. I didn't tell Denki how my old class found out I was gay, but my god it's ugly.
I'm telling him, todays the day. I walk up to Tetsutetsu nervous, I can feel my heart pounding, my palms sweating. I walk up to him and try to swallow around the lump in my throat.

"H-hey Tetsutetsu!"

"Huh- oh hey man!" Okay here it goes.

"Hey, ummm, I was wondering, and it's completely okay if you don't want to but, umm. I-I was wondering if you ummm wound be uhh interested in going..... on a date...... with me."

"Are you gay?" He said, he sounded disgusted. Stay strong.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Wrong thing to say.

"Yeah. It is man. You're a fucking fag. What the hell in wrong with you?" At this point he was drawing attention to us. Everyone was looking. I saw Monoma come up to us. I thought he was gonna defend me.

"You're gay? YOURE A FUCKING DISGRACE!! YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF!! FAGGOTS LIKE YOU DONT BELONG HERE!" He screams. I run. Run to the bathroom. I sat there and cried, for hours it felt like. I just cried and cried and cried. After that I ran home. Ran as fast as I could. I ran to my bathroom, I collapsed, I ran so much. I was heaving, gasping for air. I saw my razors on the counter.

My head brings back the memory of Monoma saying I should end it. Maybe that's not such a bad idea. I pick it up, I press the sharp end against my wrist. Take a deep breath and press it harder, I wince at the pain. But it's a good pain. I do it again, and again and again and again. I snap out of it a realize I mad much more than I wanted. Then the front door slams open. Dads home, must've seen I wasn't in class. I rush to get cleaned up. Right as I'm done he knocks on my door. I open it and he looks furious.

"Why weren't you in class?" God he's scary.

"Something bad happens, can I please stay home today?" I really don't want to go back. He sighs.

"Fine, I want an explanation eventually." And with that he leaves. I never actually told him.
"Hey, Shin? You okay?" Denki, I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Oh, um, yeah I guess." Liar.

"No you're not. What's wrong you can tell me." He snuggles closer into my side and let's off some very soft pheromones. I take a deep breath of them and begin to tell him how they class found out I was gay, and what they did to me. (I'm lazy sue me). When I'm done he growls. His protective side is coming out again. He starts what he was doing last night, it's quite comforting. He stops at my pants again and looks over at the clock.

"We have 45 minutes till class. Get ready and come knock on my door when your done." He gets up and walks out leaving me on my own.

Denki pov

I can't believe he hasn't told anyone. I fucking hate that those ugly sons of bitch who hurt my pup went unpunished. (I walk out of Shinso's room, and walk into my own. I took a shower last night I shouldn't have to again. I'll probably smell like Shinso, but I don't mind. (That's wasn't supposed to be squiggly)

I put on my uniform pants right at Shinso knocks on my dorm. I open in and let him inside. He looks away nervously, guess he likes my abs. I don't get why he's embarrassed. He saw them last night, hell we slept together. I finish putting on my shirt and start brushing my hair. I turn the see him self consciously scratching his ankle, he lifts it enough for me to see scars? Wonder what happened.

"Come on let's go." He snaps out of it and stops scratching.

"Yeah let's go." I smile at him and move towards the door. We walk out together as I start talking about the new game I want to buy. I've always loved video games. Not like arcade or board games, but like PS4 or XboX stuff like that. I can tell he's only half paying attention but that's okay.

"So what games are you into?" I just want to know.

"Well, ummm horror games, arcade games. I just recently played Blair Witch. It was pretty good." He seemed caught off guard by the question but he answered.

"Wait, you mean to tell me you can play scary ass games and fall asleep afterwards. Wack bro." He smiles, a light one but a smile. It makes me realize how much of a crush I have on him already.

Denki pov

Walking to school with him was a dream. He's already my crush, and pup. Man, I've know him for a day, a single day and I've claimed him as my pup. I know my other "pups" won't be mad. (His other pups are Kiri, Sero, Mina, and Bakugo. Not Jiro even tho she's apart of the squad, she's an omega herself so they "mother" the others together). My only worry is Jiro, she's the group mom to. And she's not as friendly as me.

Time skip to right before they get out of school.

Shinso looks worried about something, I'll talk to him after class. The weird thing is he keep glancing at his phone. I start to pay attention again but Shinsos face keeps nagging. My pup is in some sort of trouble. Aisawa seems to notice my restlessness. (They are so many s in that word Jesus). This isn't the first time I've been worried worried about my adopted family in class. I look at him with pleading eyes, he knows better than everyone you can't deny a omega a instinct. They'll faint sooner or later. He sighs and nods. I walk over to Shinso and drag him by his arm and out the door. I walk him all they way back to his dorm and set him in the nest I made. I lay him down so he can't leave.

"What's wrong, and don't say nothing. I can tell something's up." He looks off the side, nervously??

"Well, for starters don't freak out till I'm done. Okay?" I nod. "Okay, well. There's ahh more than I'm letting on to. The kids from my old class still mess with me. A lot. They send me threats, get to me, bully me still. And they'll something threaten to hurt my family, I know they won't it's just, it fucks with my brain so much. It fucking sucks. And I want to stop it but I don't want more attention on myself." It breaks my heart to see him like this. My pup is hurt but I don't want to scare him.

"What if, we tell the teachers in private. I can even go with you." He shakes his head violently. "Hey, okay. We don't have to. We can wait till you're ready, but we're telling someone eventually." He nods. "Get comfy we're not going back to class."

Shinso pov

"Okay." I'm not appalled to the idea. I get another text on my phone and Denki growls. He probably thinks it's the kids. I look and see it's my dad. "It's not them. I'm okay." He nods his head and continues getting comfortable in the nest.

Dad 🐱

Denki huh?

Yeah 😶

Guess  liking loud blondes are in the jeans.

Yeah  night dad. Denki gonna go momma mode in a minute.

I turn off my phone and see Denki standing in front  of me.

"Can I borrow a shirt? School ones are comfortable and I like your smell." I smile and nod. I walk over to my draws and grab a shirt that's probably way to big for him. I mean he's an omega and I'm an alpha. I drop it on him cause he seems spaced off reading something. I see he's ready one of my emo poems. He grabs the shirt and standing up stripping in the middle of the room. I blush and look away. I get ready too. I grab sweat pants and change in front of him to. I turn around after putting sweatpants on and no shirt. Denkis staring at me, I wave my hand in his face. He snaps out and jumps into my bed.

I laugh and get in too. I small asleep again with no problem for the second night in a row. And all I can think is.

I want to protect this adorable human in front of me.

My Light In The Dark (kamishin)Where stories live. Discover now