Chapter Twenty-Five: Lazurus

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I returned to Marcus, whom Roan was hovering over. His lifeless body still jarred me, making every part of my body tense and recoil. But Roan's presence, once a nightmare, was my wicked salvation. He would rip Marcus' soul back from the cosmos and heal his broken body.

"He will be awake in a few moments," Roan said.

"I can speak to him," I said. "Alone. I will need to explain things to him, where I will be."

"Yes," Roan said. "And Samuel, he is dead?"


"How did it feel when you took his life?"

"Powerful. Terrifying. Tragic. But I know it was just. He was a murderer."

"Yes," Roan said. "The world is better without him, and it is better with Marcus alive. I do not particularly care for Marcus, but I understand why you love him."

"So, you will place Grace's soul inside of Ida's womb?"
"I will," Roan said. "Things will get a bit hazy for you, as you transition to my world. You will have a few moments with Marcus before I pull you away. We need to leave this world before we start to deteriorate. You remember my injuries?"

"Yes," I said.

"You will be summoned there, and I will finish the ritual for Grace's soul. She will not be a normal child, born of supernatural origin. She will grow quickly, and she will know things of the universe. You can never be with Marcus again, not after our vow. But you may from time to time visit the girl."

I nodded, not sure what to think of the words Roan said to me. Marcus' body was still, but the color returned his flesh quickly. He was looking human, alive.

"I will be in the distance," Roan said. "I will be watching."

I nodded, leaning down to cradle Marcus' head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, letting the softness graze my hands slowly. I traced my hands over his face, the smooth porcelain of his unburned side, and the mangled web that still held nothing but fascination and love to me. So many women would see a monster, but I saw a man. I had known such little goodness in the world, but Marcus Prynne embodied the light that was within all of us. As others sought it through prayer and rituals, he pursued pleasure and vengeance. I was unworthy of him, now more than ever.

Slowly, deliberately, his chest began to rise. I felt the faint sound of his heartbeat returning to my ears. It was as if a beacon arose in the darkness, giving me light in this dark moment. His cheeks grew pink and his lips began to part as if he was rising from a deep slumber. His eyes fluttered open, seeing my silhouette as the sun draped down through the tendrils of my blood-soaked hair.

"Elizabeth," he whispered, pulling me forward for a kiss. He spoke my name as if he spoke a prayer, and my soul felt the urge to answer his desires. Our lips met, the softness nearly overtaking me. He was alive, and all I had sacrificed was worth it. "I had the most terrible dream. I was shot and Samuel had you."

"It was no dream," I said, our eyes meeting. "We have such little time. Marcus, something happened. You died."
"Died? Perhaps this is heaven. I had hoped you would be there."

"You are alive again," I said. "Marcus, I did something vile. You may never forgive me. But I pray, do not be angry. This is the last time we will see each other for all of eternity."

"Your eyes, Elizabeth. They are black..."

"I had to save you," I said. "Samuel hurt me, and I was dying. Our daughter was dying, snuffed out before she even existed."

"No," Marcus said, grasping me, sitting up and pulling me closer. "Tell me you did nothing rash."

"I gave myself to Roan," I said. "Samuel is gone. Roan will not hurt you. You are free, Marcus. I will be safe, and you are free."

"Gave yourself to him? Are you his now? In what way?"

"Body and soul," I whispered.

"Take it back," Marcus said. "I will be dead again. I go into the grave. Take it back. Sacrifice yourself for me? I would never ask that of you."

"Which is why I have given your life back to you," I said. The moisture of tears soaked my lips and I shook my head. I could already feel something, a gentle tug from the universe. A warning. Our time was evaporating quickly. "We do not have time. Marcus, Grace is alive too. She will be born to Ida. You have to go to the sisters of mercy and raise her."


"I do not know," I said. "But I did not leave you alone. You will have my daughter as your own, and a family of sorts. Marcus, you can be happy."

"As you rot in the abyss of hell with the demon that killed my mother?" Do you jest, Elizabeth? There is no happiness in this world if that is my choice."

"Even if we are apart, we are bound, Marcus. I believe I will never stop loving you. And even in the darkness, I will be able to feel your light. Please, just promise me you will try to be happy."

"How long do we have?"

"I do not know," I said. "Moments."

"Then we will not fight over what has been done. I will save you, somehow..."

"You cannot, Marcus."

"I will never stop fighting for you," Marcus said, a wildness in his eyes that both comforted and tormented me.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me, his lips communicating all that words could not. Joy, light, passion, fear, purpose, magic, It all rested on his lips. For a few moments, the reality of the world died away and all there was were his lips and his arms.

And then came the darkness. 

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