Chapter 23: Thanks to the wound

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"So many feelings go unsaid." -Unknown

Dexter POV

I lay shirtless on my bed after the doctor treated my wound. The shirt was stained with my blood so I discarded it. I closed my eyes to rest for a while and recalled back what happened earlier. I wasn't angry with her but I was glad that she finally breaks the silence between us.

I opened my eyes when I heard the knock on the door. It must be my right man that came to check on me.

"Come in," I commanded without open my eyes. I placed my uninjured arm on my forehead. I felt the bed dipped motioning that someone sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hmm..are you okay?" I instantly opened my eyes and stared at the figure sitting on the bed.

"Elsie, what are you doing here?" I asked, amused that it was her. I sat on the bed leaned towards the bedhead.

"Checking on you," she said in a slow tone while avoiding my eyes. I stayed quiet for a moment as I was busy scanning her face, I missed her as I don't have any chance to look at her properly for the last few weeks.

"I will leave if I disturb you," she stood up and ready to leave the room but before she could do so I moved my body forward and pulled her wrist to stop her.

"Argh," I hissed in pain. I forgot about my arm and used too much force on it.

"Hey, are you okay?" She panicked and approached me closer. She sat on the bed beside me, her wrist still in my grip.

"Don't worry. I'm fine, just a little pain. This is nothing." I confessed. This wound was nothing compared to all the wounds that I had gone through in my dark world.

"I'm sorry." She stared at the bed, avoiding eye contact with me. I lifted her chin and gestured her to look at me.

"For what?" I asked even though I knew what she meant. I just want to hear his voice more.

"For hurting you," she said in a forlorn tone.

"No, you didn't hurt me. Remember I told you, I was broken and nothing can hurt me."  I fibbed. I was now holding her palm and rubbed the back of her hand softly. She didn't protest, maybe felt guilty after what she had done earlier.

"I deserve this. Don't think too much, okay?" I queried when she falls silent.

"No, you don't deserve it." I could see the tear at the edge of her eyes, threatening to wet her cheeks.

I placed my hand on her cheek and she stared at me with her sad face. I prefer the cheerful version of her more than this.

"Love, it's okay. We will go through this together," I comforted her with my promise.

"Why don't you tell me the truth?"

"What truth? What do you mean?"

"It wasn't you behind all this," her statement surprised me.

"Where did you get this from?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"I asked you first." She argued.

I blew out a heavy breath, sighed with her question.

"Will you trust me if that time I told you I didn't do that?" I threw her a question instead of the answer that she demanded.

"I trust you. That's why I asked you before accusing you."

"You were not in the right state at that time. I just want to save you from that place and cut the crap by telling you what you wanted to hear." I raked my hair thinking about that moment.

"And you assumed that what I wanted to hear was you killed my dad?"

"Sort of," I answered in monotone.

"You, silly mafia." She said and pinched my left arm out of the blue.

"What was that for?" I looked at her with my eyes widened as I didn't expect that from her. She took me by surprise.

"You assuming thing yourself. That wasn't what I wanted to hear from you. That was never in my list."

I chuckled at my silly assumption. I was indeed a silly mafia.

"By the way, who told you about this?" I asked her that question again.

"Alex." I nodded. Alex, my right man he actually advised me to let her know the truth but I refused to do so. I don't like to explain myself to others.

"Now we are good?" I twirled my head looking for confirmation.

"Kinda." A smile crept on her face.

"Come here, let me hug you," I said to her and opened my arm expecting her to pull off the distance between us.

"No," she shook her head rejected my request bluntly.

I narrowed my brows and placed my arm down, disappointed.

"You are shirtless," she said with a blush appeared on her face. I almost forget about that. I glanced at my built muscle that I gained from non-stop training.

"Someone is shy, I see." I teased her, staring at her red face with a smile curved on my lips.

She threw a pillow to me defended herself with action when she was speechless. I released laughter.

"Not only that." She chided. "You are stinky. You smell very bad right now," she pinched her nose pretended that it was true. She giggled freely. What a beautiful sight.

"Ah, really?" I nodded a few times acknowledged her statement.

"Maybe you would like to smell more. I know you kinda miss it." I drew myself nearer to her and she tried to move away.  I was faster than her, I make her laid completely on the bed while I hollered and make myself on top of her with my face loomed over her. She suddenly stopped giggles and she looked at my face then at my injured arm.

"Be careful, you still have a wound." She didn't move much under my cage, concerned that she might hurt me.

I send her a saccharine smile.

"Do you want to redeem yourself?" My naughty brain started functioning well. A frown marred her face.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked as if she can sense my plan.

"Help me to shower," I whispered. This time I requested nicely, not commanded which I normally did. She looked surprised at my sudden request.

"No, I can't do that," she tried to hide her blushing face from me but I could see it clearly beneath me. I brought closer my shirtless body to her and she placed her palm on my chest to avoid me pressing on her.

"Dexter, please move. You are shirtless. shouldn't...I mean-" She stuttered with the approximation. She still didn't dare to push me which make me grateful for my wound.

"Hmm, I won't move until you agree to help me to shower." I suppressed my laughter.

"What if, we replace the shower with another thing? I will wipe your body with a warm towel and it will help you to feel better. Plus, if we take shower, no I mean if you take shower your wound will get wet and it will worsen. Okay?" She pleaded cutely.

"No." I shook my head staring at her panicked face that tried to reasoning with me.

"This is too much," she protested silently and pouted. I finally burst out in laughter.

"I just tease you, love," I said and she grinned in relief.

"Towel, it is. Better than nothing." I smiled.

If I knew everything will get better with one bullet, I will make it happened earlier. I am willing to bear physical pain compared to mental pain. Her cold shoulder almost drives me insane.


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