The Question

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A bit short chapter, hehe. I'm not proud of this one either ): I swear I'll do better in the next chapt!

It was another normal day for Laxus, hanging out in the guild, drinking beer, and brooding. Everyone knew that socializing wasn't really his forte so there was some kind of unspoken agreement between him and the others. He stayed out of their way and they stay out of his. It wasn't like he doesn't like their company, it was just that he doesn't like company. Anyone with a brain could distinguish between the two, obviously. The Thunder God Tribe was on a mission on their own, so Laxus was spare for a day. He loves his teammates, he did, but sometimes, he just needed a break from them. With Bick's constant dirty jokes, Ever's non-stop gossips and Freed's overprotectiveness of him. Really, they were just too much for Laxus sometimes.

Laxus took a gulp of his beer, his mind wandered aimlessly until he remembered a certain blonde celestial mage who still had his coat. Truth be told, he actually didn't mind, she could keep it with her for all he cares, it was just a coat. All the more reason to go talk to her, he thought. He didn't know where this urge comes from, but he wanted to talk to her. As he said, he was intrigued by her. But it didn't necessarily mean that he likes her.

Laxus figured he just needed something new to this repetitive style of his life; going on missions, drinking beers, sleeping, and repeat. He wasn't a saint, being the way he was, Laxus had his fair share of women before. But he wasn't looking for that. He wouldn't admit it but he knew he needed someone.

With one swig, he finished his beer and got up. He paid and took off from the guild, heading to his house. On the way home, he passed by the local hot spring and saw a flash of familiar blonde hair. He stopped in his tracks and caught a whiff of Lucy's distinct strawberry scent.

She's back already?

Earlier that day

Lucy leaned her head against the window, looking at the changes of the scenery as the train moved. Natsu moans just stopped after Erza decided that enough is enough and punched him to sleep instead. Happy sat on Natsu's lap while eating a fish while Erza was leaning her head back, eyes closing. Their mission was a success and for once they didn't cause too many damages, they all got their share and Lucy was content because her rent was covered.

Different case for the reward key, though. As Lucy had expected, it wasn't a gold key. It wasn't Aquarius. Lucy was still happy for the addition to the family, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She hated feeling that way, even though she already told herself not to have too many expectations, in the end, she still hoped which then always turned out to be false. She hated it. She hated that she couldn't control her feelings, that this disappointment was affecting her greatly.

She was happy. She should be. The new spirit she got, which was Vulpecula was said to be an extremely fierce yet loyal spirit. Just like her. Like Aquarius. It frustrated Lucy that there were so many remnants of Aquarius everywhere. It wasn't like she want to forget her, it was just that she was hurting because of both her incapability to protect her spirits and incapability to find Aquarius' key.

'Say, Lucy,' Happy suddenly said in between eating his fish. Lucy turned her head.

'The black thing I saw on your bed earlier was Laxus' coat, wasn't it?' He asked, his tone held no provocative nor teasing tone, just genuinely curious, like an innocent kid. But Lucy knew better, Happy was one sly cat.

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