The Friends and Feelings

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A couple of nights before the fight.

Lucy laid down on the bed, sighing. It had been a long, chaotic day. Two days had passed since Lucy and Laxus announced their relationship to the guild and they still celebrating non-stop, though for Cana it probably another ordinary day. Not to mention, they kept trying to parade both of them to the whole town. It was truly hectic. They had just got back from another party held at the guild and yet again there was another scheme that their friends came up with. This time, it was made by none other than the guild master aka Makarov Dreyar aka Laxus very own grandfather which was "secretly" trying to set them up with a priest, why the air quote? Because it was plainly obvious when Makarov dragged them to the cathedral saying it was to "bless their relationship" which was for him, another term to get married. Yes. He was trying to get her and Laxus to marry.

Well, it's not that she didn't want to. But, damn, it wasn't even a month yet.

Laying down after chaotic days and sleepless nights made her strangely feel light. Lucy felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off of her shoulders, yet something still feels amiss, like how it feels when you forgot to put on your lucky tie—no, not quite, more like when you finished a test but forgot to check whether you had filled your name or not. You felt relieved but strange. Considering how she usually spent the night, it would make sense of how something felt strange as she usually pent up in the bar, drinking 'til she couldn't stand.

Lucy glanced at the figure beside her, she could see the rising and falling of chest steadily. Not long after they got to her apartment, Laxus instantly went out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow. It was understandable, considering how drained he was as he mostly covered Lucy when the members told her to drink or do things. She gave a long exhale, one that filled with gratitude. Sometimes, she asked herself, how did she get to this point?

Those dark and heavy time seemed so long ago, despite it hadn't been over three weeks since she stopped and so, the memories still vividly engrained in her brain as the feeling of desperation. Those sleepless nights. Sleepless, dull yet full of despair nights with only alcohol acted as a catalyst for forgetting things. She could also say that it was a way to punish herself. What's better way than destroying one's liver? Haha, Lucy was so pathetic then.

That was why, staring at Laxus' sleeping figure beside her gave her warmth she never thought she could feel again. She felt so much gratitude for that person and a single 'thank you' won't even come close to how she really felt. She was glad she had another person that knows about her problem, it was too hard to confide to her friends and she was damn glad she told everything to someone, albeit drunkenly. Lucy knew, she has truly, fell for him. Truthfully, she had never fallen in love before, so she didn't exactly know if what she's feeling was love. She understood that it hadn't been too long since they got together, and it could've just been a blunder. But do blunders happen every single day? Every minute, every second she felt with him was... liberating. Feeling high, was another way to describe how she felt everytime they were together.

Even the days when she's not with him felt with the urges to go see him. She didn't know what's normal and what's not anymore. Missing him every time they parted, wanting to be with him every minute, feeling jittery when he was a bit late, was all that even normal? Despite all of that, she has yet to reach the decision—not that "love" could be decided.

Anyhow, with each day passed, she was more and more sure of the gnawing feeling in her heart. It was too surreal, having her heart beat so loudly when he closed the gap between them, or how knees got weak when he planted his lips on hers. There was no mistaking it. She definitely had fallen for him.

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