The End

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Sunlight peeked through the slightly ajar windows, basking the small room with warm light. The sun was at its highest and the morning breeze had gone, leaving the room stiflingly hot. Laxus was mumbling incoherently in his sleep, his head moved agitatedly. He could feel sweats trickling down his forehead and onto his ears. For some reason, half of his body and his right arm were heavy, like there was a weight preventing him to move. He groaned in his sleep. He had to wake up, he had to see Lucy. What happened? Did they make it out? he did feel like dropping to the hard concrete after he teleported them, the last thing he remembered before losing his consciousness was to say "I love you" back to Lucy.

In all honesty, Laxus was still shock about her abrupt confession. Not to mention, it was because of his stupidness and stubbornness that made her confess first. It did hurt his pride a little bit, but it didn't matter. She truly was the coolest and he kept finding himself falling even more. Ah, but what if all of that was a dream? He was, in fact, sleeping. Laxus didn't continue the thought, he could already feel like Lucy smacking him for even thinking about that.

Suddenly, the weight on his arm shifted and he found himself opening his eyes slowly. Laxus automatically squinted his eyes when greeted by the piercing sunlight, he brought his free hand—the left one to his eyes, covering them. Once he adjusted, he brought his hand back to his side and lifted his head. He craned his neck towards the right and found locks of blonde hair sprawled on his side. Lucy was sleeping soundly, clutching his right arm, her head nestled on the crook of his neck. Her slow breaths tickled his neck and Laxus could feel the rising of her chest ever so steady.

For someone who was sleeping so soundly, Lucy sure had a tight grip on his arm. He struggled for a while, but eventually decided to stop; he didn't want to disturb her sleep. Laxus let out a sigh of relief. Thank god, Lucy looked fine. He stared at the wooden ceiling, dust moats fluttering about in the sunlight that streamed from the windows. His free hand unconsciously reached for Lucy's head. Careful not to wake her up, Laxus gently caressed her head, stroking her soft golden hair, twirling it with his fingers.

His felt sore all over. He admitted, he did push himself to teleport them out but he just wanted to get out of there quickly and focusing all of his attention to Lucy. Laxus' heartbeat quickened at the thought of her confession once again. His ears felt warm as it were flushed in a rosy color.

'She loves me...' he mumbled to himself, disbelief and a tint of elation in his voice.

But as always, love comes with the fear. He feared that he would hurt her, that she would let him go, or that she would change her mind, he feared of the breakup, will they? After all, all relationships has an expiration date, right? The mere thought of that left a terrible bitter taste in his mouth and Laxus unknowingly had put his arm around her and holding her tightly.

His heart pace quickened once again, but it felt heavy as though that thought was dragging himself further from her. He tightened his hold again as he slowly fallen into the blackhole he made himself.

'You're crushing me, big guy,' A familiar muffled voice and taps on his chest pulled him back to reality. Laxus glanced to the source of the sound and instantly let go his hold from Lucy once he saw Lucy's petite figure under his hold squeezed ever so tightly. He gave her a guilty look.

Lucy gave a sigh of relief once he lets go, giving her much air to breathe and chuckled.

'No, no. Keep hugging me,' she gestured her hand and then proceeded to grab his other arm and put it back around her.

Once she nestled back into his embrace, Lucy looked up and stared at him. She grinned, her face was so bright it almost made Laxus forgot what he was thinking about before.

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