The Fight (1)

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Lucy tapped her foot on the hard concrete, watching as train comes and goes. Her scheduled train was supposed to come 10 minutes ago, but judging from her impatient behaviour, it was clear that the train had failed to come on time. She gritted her teeth begrudgingly and dropped her duffel bag to the ground, making a loud thud sound. As the trip, or rather, the mission that she was going to was decided on a whim, Lucy packed everything she could think of and stuff it all in her duffel bag. She didn't even know how many days she was going to stay and she regretted not thinking about asking Virgo for help.

One thing was set in stone: her annoyance towards Laxus. She was channeling all of her annoyance, frustrations, and anger towards the blonde dragon slayer. One fight and he stormed off? Just like that? She won't accept it. Never.

Lucy clicked her tongue as her scheduled train finally pulled up on her platform. Slightly stomping, she got into the train and looked for her seat. It was in the rightside, right on the middle. After setting her duffel bag in the compartment, Lucy plopped down to the red leather seat. With a sigh, she leaned towards the window and stare at the deserted platform. Not that she cared, but it seemed that she was the only one in her compartment. The rush hour had gone a long time ago, leaving very little passengers on board.

To be frank, Lucy was glad that there was no one in her compartment. The platform and train bustling with people was the last thing she wanted. Rather than distracting her, it would make her headache doubled instead. She felt like cussing out a string of curse words as the pain in her head kept bugging her like somebody was hitting a gong repeatedly. It was truly, torture. And she got no one else to blame but the blonde dragon slayer. Gone was her extreme guilt and desire to apologize. She just wanted to give him a piece of her mind. Physically.

She couldn't make sense any of it. Did Laxus really taken her words seriously? About the thing where she ended their relationship? Lucy just couldn't believe it. It didn't seem like Laxus at all. First of all, he's stubborn as a rock. Lucy has had the taste of his stubbornness many times before, she remembered how he refused to leave her apartment until she said yes to the date. Lucy bit her lips nervously. Remembering Laxus' stubbornness didn't calm her down at all.

The reason for that was there was a gnawing feeling inside her that made her reasonings not comforting at all. Despite their chemistry, and how happy she felt when she was with him, and vice versa, Lucy also couldn't shake off the worries and anxieties. They fit well as a couple, true, but they lack depth. And trust. As long as Lucy could remember, ever since they got together, not once had they sit down and have a talk. Talk, as in, talking about their personal things: like how Aquarius to Lucy, or how Laxus was doing, what did he go through after the battle of Fairy Tail incident. Heck, they haven't even talked about their own feelings and where would they take this relationship, how far would this go.

Because of it, Lucy strongly felt dejected. The reason was that she felt their bond wasn't strong enough, and she was scared. Scared that the weak ties were on the verge of severing because of her one mistake. She couldn't help but feel upset. At herself. At Laxus, too. For not ran after her, for leaving without notice. One might call her selfish, but she really wished he had gone after her after she stormed off. She wished he hadn't gave up on her.

The sound of slow tapping beside her woke Lucy up from her thoughts. Lucy glanced at the window and leaned her forehead gently against the blurred window. Light showers sprinkled on the train and the window, leaving drops of water on the windowpane. The soft, calming trickles gradually became louder, more demanding as the rain got heavier, drumming on the roof of the train.

Lucy observed the sky that had been post-card perfect changed as the train speeds through the scenery. Clouds were thickening as they were huddled together, tinting the sky grey and gloomy as if mimicking her mood. Lightning flashed so suddenly and Lucy flinched, squirming automatically in her seat as the thundering sound filled her ears. The flashing light came by again, but she no longer flinched over the suddenness. Lucy leaned her head back to the seat and closed her eyes. Another lightning flashed through, even with her closed eyes, she could feel the light illuminating her face. A sense of nostalgia washed over her. It reminded her of Laxus. She remembered how he teleported them on their first date to that wonderful café where they ate under the starry night.

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